One Time Dispensation Clarification for LDC UDC, Contract and Other Employees

Finance Division issued a Notification on 29-03-2023 in connection with Dispensation Clarification for LDC UDC, Drivers, Contract, and Other Employees. Finance Division clarified the following main points:


Notification One Time Dispensation Clarification for LDC UDC, Contract, and Other Employees



Query Reply
What is the status of LDCs and UDCs with reference to their up gradation in the light of this Division notification No. 9(7) R-I/ 2014-62/2023? The posts Upgradation of LDC and UDC have occurred generally for all Ministries/ Divisions/Department of Federal Government whether they are drawing DRA or not.

One Time Dispensation Clarification for LDC UDC, Contract and Other Employees

Civil Servants of Federal Govt BPS-01 to BPS16



Query Reply
Whether the employees of PMIS being civil servants are entitled to the special dispensation approved by to Honorable Prime Minister of Pakistan or otherwise? It is clarified that the dispensation shall only be admissible to those civil servants of the federal government who are in BPS-01 to BPS-16 and in receipt of Disparity Reduction Allowance.

It is further clarified that the posts of LDC and UDC are generally upgraded for all Ministries/divisions/ Departments whether they are drawing DRA or not.


PIMS Employees Time Scale Dispensation


Special Dispensation for Federal Government Employees upto BS-16


The federal government grants special dispensation to employees from BS-01 to BS-16. To clarify the terms, Finance Division replies to some of the queries. The details are as under:


Special Dispensation for Employees BS-01 to BS-16 appointed under Civil Servants Act


The Finance Division writes to Accountant General Pakistan Revenues,  in connection with queries and replies concerning special dispensation. The special dispensation for Federal Government Employees includes different terms. Here I’ll enlighten the queries and replies to clarify the rules and terms of special dispensation.


One-step Promotion to Next Higher Scale


According to the Finance Division, Rule of 31-12-2012, employees from BS-01 to BS-04 shall get one step Promotion to the next higher pay scale. They’ll get Promotion twice throughout their service on completion of 10 and 20 years. The question was, whether the special dispensation O.M. dated 14-02-2023 shall apply to those employees of BS-1 to 5 who have availed benefits of O.M. dated 31.01.2023. It was to clarify. Hence, in reply, Finance Division clarifies that such employees of BPS-01 to 5 are eligible for a grant of special dispensation.


Drivers and Dispatch Riders of BS-07


Clarification was required about Dispatch Riders and Drivers of BS-07 who already available Promotion on the basis of service length.  The question was whether they were eligible for current special dispensation or not. So, the Regulations Wing, Finance Division replies that they are also eligible for special dispensation.


Rules amendments for UDCs and LDCs


As per the letter by the Regulations Wing, Finance Division,  it is clear that the Recruitment Rules for the post of LDC and UDC have been amended.  UDC and LDC shall get up-gradation along with incumbents from BSP-09 to BPS-11 and BPS-11 to BPS-13 respectively.



Drivers Class IV Special Dispensation


Dispensation Clarification BPS-01 to BPS-16 Federal



Finance Division also issued a Notification on 29-03-2023 regarding Special Dispensation for Drivers and Class IV Employees etc. In addition to that Finance Division also clarified one additional increment to BPS-16 and conveyance allowance.



Special dispensation for the civil servants in the federal government for the employees in BPS-01-to BPS-16


With the reference of account general of Pakistan revenue letter number Pay fix /AAO/Misc/2022-23/1623 dates 28-02-2023 on the subject noted Special dispensation for the civil servants in the federal government for the employees in BPS-01-to BPS-16.


Sr no. Queries Replies
a According to finance division regulation OM number dated 31-12 to 2012(PP-18C), employees BPS-01-to BPS-16 will be entitled one step promotion to the next pay scale twice throughout their service on completion of 10 and 20 years bPS-06. It may please be clarified as to whether the special dispensation we did finance division’s OM .No.F.9(7,l R-I/2014-63/2023 dated 14-02-2023 Is applicable to employees of BPS 1-5 Who have availed the benefits under Finance Division Regulation Wing O.M.dated 31-12-2012 or otherwise. The employees of BPS-2 to 5 who have obtained benefits of higher scale policy dated 32-12-201 and were granted one step and second step after completion of 10-20 years of satisfactory service are also eligible for a grant of the special dispensation of the finance division.
b The drivers and dispatch riders who availed the benefits of senior scales on the basis of the required length of service under an existing policy will be eligible for the next highest timescale under special dispensation on otherwise Eligible on the next higher timescale.
c According to Para(d), the incumbents in BPS-6 to BPS-15 who have already availed benefits of higher scale as per timescale policy 2022 will be granted one additional increment of their current pay scale and according to Para(C) the incumbents in BPS-06to BPS-15who have not to avail time scale under timescale policy Official 2022 will be granted next higher scale accordingly the pay of employees as defined Para(d) will be increased from the pay of the employees mentioned in para see as they will be given next stage in pay fixation on grant of next time scale and now they will be given One addition increment to the employees as Defined in piracy only next stage fixation of pay on grant of higher time scale this situation created an anomaly position. May please to examine and clarify.  The case will be forwarded to the anomaly committee for examination.
d According to para(f), the post of LDC and UDC will be upgraded along with incumbents BPS-09 to BPS-11 to BPS-13 respectively. This office may please be guided as before amendment in Recruitment Rules by the Establishment Division they will be given up gradation or otherwise. Recruitment Rules for the post of LDC and UDC have been amended and notified by Establishment Division-wide information Notification. F.No.7/6/2022 R-6 dated 27-02-2023.
e Whether Para 2(iii) of the above O.M is applicable to BPS-16 who have not been granted a higher time scale under special dispensation vide O.M.No.F.9(7)R-1/2014-62/2023 dated 14-02-2023. On grant, one additional increment as one Time dispensation to the employees in BPS-16one chance of a higher timescale will not have lapsed.
f it may be clarified that dispensation shall be admissible also to contractual employees or only for regular civil servants or federal government This dispensation is only applicable to the employees of the federal government who are appointed under the Civil Servants Act of 1973



See also  Enhancement of Remuneration Rates for Polio Workers-Notification of Health Department Baluchistan

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