Notification Minimum Wage Rates 2023 Punjab

Government of Punjab, Minimum wages Board Lahore issued a Notification on 29-03-2023 in connection with Draft Minimum Wage Rates 2023 Rs. 32000/- Per Month. The Board will receive the final recommendations in 30 days. The details are as under:

Draft Minimum Wage Rates 2023 Rs. 32000/- Per Month Punjab


The government of Punjab minimum wages board Lahore drafted recommendations about the fixation of wages of skilled and semi-skilled workers. This draft is about the fixed wages of workers employed in an industrial and commercial establishment in the Punjab province. These recommendations must be applied in all industrial undertakings located in Punjab province. The minimum rates of wages recommended for unskilled and adalt and adolescent workers shall be applied uniformly throughout the province.



Notification Draft Minimum Wage Rates 2023 Rs. 32000/- Per Month


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Purpose of Wages Fixation


The purpose of minimum wages is to protect workers against low pay. Minimum wages can also be one element of a policy to overcome poverty and reduce inequality. It included those between males and females, by promoting the right to equal remuneration for work of equal value. Government should take notice of the fixation of wages. The main purposes of wages fixation are:


  1. Minimum wage fixing is designed to overcome poverty and to ensure the satisfaction of the needs of all workers and their families.
  2. The fundamental purpose of minimum wage fixing should be to give wage earners necessary
  3. It provides social protection as regards minimum permissible levels of wages.
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Government should take some measures to ensure the effective application of all provisions relating to minimum wage fixation as provided by Law.


Criteria for Wages Fixation


Government Must fix the veggies of semi-skilled and skilled workers according to the:


  1. The needs of workers and their families
  2. The general level of wages in the country
  3. The cost of living and changes.
  4. social security benefits
  5. The relative living standards of other social groups.


Importance and need of wages fixation


All the recommendations regarding the fixation of wages of all the workers in the industrial sector whether they are skilled or semi-skilled are very important. These recommendations result in a significant Upward push in wages level. This will increase the rationalization and simplification of the wage scale.


Application of Recommendations Regarding Wages Fixation


  1. Recommendations regarding the fixation of minimum rates of wages or workers in industrial and commercial establishments must apply to all industrial undertakings.
  2. These recommendations are applicable according to the Punjab minimum wages ACT 2019 and enforce by the issuance date.
  3. These recommendations are also applicable for the daily weekly and hourly working conditions of overtime work and work on weekly days of rest and on paid holidays.
  4. The minimum rates of wages of other categories of workers employed in any industry shall in no case be less than the minimum rate of wages, Now proposed for all adalt and adolescent workers in the Punjab Province.


Deduction for Accommodation


The following deductions shall be allowed to the employers for providing housing accommodation and transport to the workers employed.  These deductions are for:

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  1. Providing housing accommodation @ Rs396.80 per month.
  2. Providing transport @Rs.84.48 per month.


Table of Proposed Rates


Sr. No Category of Workers Proposed Minimum Wage Rates
Per Day for 8 working hours Per month for 26 working days
1 Unskilled Adalt & Adolescent workers are employed in all industrial & commercial establishments of Punjab Province. Rupees 1230.76 Rupees 32,000/-

Notification Draft Minimum Wage Rates 2023 Rs. 32000/- Per Month Punjab


Notification Draft Minimum Wage Rates 2023 Rs. 32000/- Per Month Punjab Province

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