Notification of Enhancement of Seats of Lecturer in Political Science HED

Government of the Punjab, Higher Education Department issued a Notification on 04-04-2023 in connection with the Enhancement of Seats of Lecturers in Political Science. In this letter, the male lecturers for the subject of Pol Science have been recalled for interview. The details are as under:


Enhancement of Seats of Lecturer in Political Science


HED recalls 50 male selectees for Lecturer (BS-17) in Political Science


After rechecking Higher Education Department (HED) found some more vacant seats for Male lecturers in Political Science. Hence, HED enhances the seats for the post of Lecture (BS-17). This will create an opportunity for more candidates to serve as lecturers in the Education department. HED asks the lecturer for reappearing for the allocation of enhanced seats.

Order for Selectees for the Post of Lecturer Male in Political Science


By the order of the competent authority,  the male Lecturers of the following subject are again called tor allocation of seats regarding enhancing seats after re-checking.  Furthermore, an appointment letter will not be issued again,  already issued offers of appointment letters will be considered. The schedule for the following seats is here;




Subject No of selectees Venue Date Time
Political Science (Male) 50 Govt. MAO College,. Lahore 05.04.2023 11:00

The selected candidates are required to bring already issued offer letters with the original CNIC.”


Increased Number of Seats for Lecturer and Recall for allocation of seats


By the order of the competent authority, HED announces to increase in the number of seats of lecturers in Political Science for the Male (BPS-17). Furthermore, HED calls again the male lecturers for the said position after enhancement in the number of seats. The lecturers shall not get appointment letters again. The authorities shall consider the previously issued offer of appointment letter. The selected candidates have to carry the issued offer letters and CNIC for the allocation of seats.

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Enhancement of Seats of Lecturer in Political Science HED




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