Job Vacancies in National Database Registration Authority (NADRA) 2023

On a contract basis, there are available Job Vacancies in National Database Registration Authority (NADRA). These jobs in NADRA are initially for a period of there years. If NADRA needs the services of these people more it can extend the job period. The details are as under:

Vacancies in National Database Registration Authority (NADRA) 2023


National Database and Registration Authority announce new Vacancies. NADRA needs competent and dutiful employees who can serve their best in this department. All Pakistani Nationals having the required qualifications and experience can apply. NADRA human resource department is accepting services of Suitable candidates in this regard for various posts.


Contract Base Vacancies in NADRA IT/Coordinator /Software Engineer


NADRA is providing the best employment opportunities to candidates who are passionate and dynamic in their skills and specialties. It invites all these candidates to apply and give their best. For improved and efficient work NADRA is accepting applications across Pakistan. All candidates who are certified best in their fields will get the best opportunity to be a part of this department. These are contract base posts for a period of 3 years which can be extended according to the performance of the candidate.


List of Latest Vacancies in NADRA


NADRA is one of the best departments in Pakistan because of its efficient and timely work. Department has already skilled, experienced, and efficient workers. It is hiring more candidates for improved services for the people. To fill the vacant positions in various seats it is inviting all candidates who are best and can efficiently work with the responsible staff of the department. Here are various vacant  posts for which suitable candidates can apply,

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  1. Junior Software Engineer
  2. Senior Software Engineer
  3. UX/ UI Designer
  4. Technical Writer
  5. Software Test Analyst
  6. Project Coordinator


Summary of NADRA Jobs 2023



Sr. No Name of Post Qualification Age limit
1. Project Coordinator Masters in Project management/

Business Administration(MBA)

Preference will be given to Project Management Professionals.


35 years
2. Junior Software Engineer BS. Computer science


BS. Software Engineering

3. Senior Software Engineer BS. Computer science


BS. Software Engineering

4. Software Test Analyst Bachelor Degree in computer  science

BS. Information Technology

5. Technical Writer Bachelors Degree in Software Engineering

Software Designing

6. UX/UI Designer BS. Computer Science/IT/Software Engineering 40-years
Terms & Conditions


  1. All suitable candidates must fulfill the above requirements for each post.
  2. The department can disqualify any candidate in case of proving false information
  3. Hard Form CVs are not acceptable.
  4. Candidates must apply online through the NADRA website
  5. No TA/DA will be provided.
  6. The recruitment is only for a 3-years contract period. It will not lead to regular employment.
  7. NADRA is providing 5-year age relaxation.
  8. Management can accept or reject any application



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Job vacancies in National Database registration Authority (NADRA) 2023

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