Vacancies in Provincial Levies Balochistan April 2023

I am sharing here the Vacancies in Provincial Levies Balochistan April 2023. The number of jobs goes beyond 1000 vacancies. There are two ads for these Balochistan Levies vacancies. The details are as under:


The Latest Vacancies in Provincial Levies Balochistan April 2023


  • District Proper Balochistan BPS-01 to BPS-07 Jobs
  • Levies Training Center Khuzdar BPS-01 to BPS-14 jobs


The government of Baluchistan announces various vacancies in the Provincial Levis department. All vacant posts are District base jobs. All candidates having local domicile have a great chance to apply and serve in Levis force Quetta. The government has also announced female and minority quotas at 5% and 5% for handicaped candidates.


District Proper Balochistan BPS-01 to BPS-07 Jobs



Vacancies in Provincial Levies Balochistan April 2023



Latest Baluchistan Vacancies BPS-01 to BPS-07


The government of Baluchistan is recruiting local candidates for Levis Force Quetta. Candidates from all districts of Baluchistan can avail this opportunity. The willing candidates can submit their applications and required documents at the relevant deputy commissioner’s office. Baluchistan Levies force operates law enforcement. It is one of the primary law enforcing agencies that maintains law and order in the province.

List of vacancies in Levies Force Quetta

Local candidates of Baluchistan can get employment opportunities in the following vacant posts:


  1. Wireless Operator
  2. Wireless Mechanic
  3. Tracker
  4. Tracker
  5. Naik
  6. Driver
  7. Levies Sipahi
  8. Sweeper
  9. Bahishti
  10. Nurse
  11. Plumber
  12. Barber
  13. Mess in Charge
  14. Naib Qasid
  15. Electrician




Sr. No. Name of Post BPS No. Of posts Qualification Age limit
01 Wireless Operator BPS-07 03 Matric along diploma 18-30 years
02 Wireless Mechanic BPS-07 02 Matric 18-30 years
03 Naik BPS-07 01 Matric 18-30 years
04 Tracker BPS-07 04 Matric 18-30 years
05 Sepoy BPS-07 862 Matric 18-30 years
06 Driver BPS-04 22 Middle Pass
07 Sweeper BPS-01 05 Literate
08 Behashti BPS-01 01 Literate
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General instruction


  1. There is no relaxation in the age limit.
  2. Government servants can apply by submitting an OC from their department.
  3. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  4. Applications received after the due date will not be entertained.
  5. Applicants must bring all original documents.
  6. With them at the time of the interview.
  7. Will not provide any traveling allowance and Daily Allowance.
  8. selected candidates can be recruited in any district in the Baluchistan province.
  9. According to the order of the Balochistan government, there is a specific quota for women and minrities which is 5%. It also fixed the 5% quota for handicaped applicants.


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Levies Training Center Khuzdar BPS-01 to BPS-14 jobs



The Levies Training Center Khuzdar also announces BPS-01 to BPS-14 jobs. Most of these jobs are on a regular basis but a few are on a contract period for a particular period.


Sr. No. Name of Posts Scale No. of posts Qualification
01 Mess Incharge BPS-14 01 Intermediate
02 Physical Instructor BPS-14 02 Bachelor’s Degree
03 Electrician BPS-08 02 Matric with diploma
04 Armour BPS-07 02 Matric
05 Sepoy BPS-07 02 Matric
06 Driver BPS-04 03 Middle pass
07 Plumber BPS-04 01 Matric
08 Helper BPS-01 01 Literate
09 Naib Qasid BPS-01 04 Literate
10 Barber BPS-01 01 Literate
11 Cook Contract 05
12 Mess Incharge Contract 01
13 Burse Contract 04
14 Sweeper Contract 06
15 Waiter Contract 96



Job Vacancies in Provincial Levies Balochistan April 2023



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Amendment in Number of Vacancies




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