New Vacancies in Cadet College Muzaffarabad 2023

A number of New Vacancies in Cadet College Muzaffarabad AJK 2023 have been announced.  These teaching and non-teaching jobs are from B-01 to B-17. The details are as under:


Teaching / Non-Teaching Vacancies in Cadet College Muzaffarabad


 Cadet College Muzaffarabad announces various vacant positions of teaching staff and administrative staff. These employment opportunities are on a temporary basis for a period of two years. Management can extend this contractual period and regularize the employees on the basis of their performance.  Candidates with the minimum qualification Master’s and Bachelor’s degree can avail of this opportunity.


List of Vacancies in Cadet College Muzaffarabad


 Cadet College Muzaffarabad needs dynamic and experienced candidates who want to join the elite faculty of the college.  Selected candidates can apply for the following posts:



  1. Lecturer Biology
  2. Head Clerk
  3. Mess Officer
  4. Senior Clerk
  5. Data Entry Operator
  6. Director Physical Education
  7. Junior Clerk
  8. Film Projectionist
  9. Health Technician
  10. Dresser MI Room
  11. Library Clerk
  12. Moazzan
  13. Lab Assistant
  14. Mechanic
  15. Security Guard
  16. Ground Man
  17. Sanitary Workers
  18. Mali
  19. Naib Qasid
  20. Masaalchi
  21. Lab Attendants
  22. Head Cook


Summary of Jobs in CC Muzaffarabad




Sr.No Name of Post Basic Base Scale No. Of Posts Qualification Age limit
1. Lecturer biology 17  01 MSc/MA 18-35 years
2. Head Clerk 16 01 BA/B.Sc 28-35 years
3. Mess Officer 16 01 BA/BSc 22-35 years
4. Director Physical Education 16 01 MSc 21-35 years
5. Senior Clerk 14 01 BA/BSc 18-35 years
6. Data Entry Operator 12 01 BA/BSc 18-35 years
7. Junior Clerk 12 02 BA/BSc 18-35 years
8. Health Technician 09 01 F.Sc Pre-Medical 28-35 years
9. Electrician 09 01 Matric 18-35 years
10. Film Projectionist 08 02 BA/B.Sc 18-35 years
11. Dresser MI Room 07 01 F.Sc Pre Medical 18-35 years
12. Library Clerk 07 01 BA/B.Sc 18-35 years
13. Moazzan

Khadim masjid

07 01 FA/F.Sc
14. Mess Assistant 07 01 FA/F.Sc 18-35 years
15. Lab Assistant 07 05 FA/F.Sc 18-35 years
16. Mechanic/Pump operator 05 01 Matric 18-35 years
17. Lab Attendants 05 03 F.Sc 28-35 years
18. Head Cook 04 04 Middle 18-35 years
19. Security In charge 04 01 Civilian & experienced 21-35 years
20. Waiters 02 05 Middle 18-35 year
21. Naib Qasid 01 04 Matric 18-35 years
22. Masaalchi 01 03 Middle 18-35 years
23. Sanitary worker 01 05 Experienced 18-35 years
24. Security Guard 01 11 Experienced 18-35 years
25. Maali 01 03 Middle 21-35 years
26. Ground Man 01 03 Middle 18-35 years

General Conditions for CCM


  1. Previous government employees can apply it through proper channels.
  2. Only eligible and shortlisted candidates will be called for the test and interview.
  3. Incomplete applications will not be entertained.
  4. Candidate must pay rupees 1000 as the application fee.
  5. The college reserves the right to cancel one or all posts.
  6. Candidates can apply for more than one post but with separate applications.


Last Date to Apply for CCM


 All candidates must send their application by 15th May 2023



New Vacancies in Cadet College Muzaffarabad 2023

See also  Monitoring Assistants (BPS-14) Jobs in School Education & Literacy Department Sindh 2025

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