Non-Teaching and Teaching Vacancies in Cadet College WANA

A number of Non-Teaching and Teaching Vacancies in Cadet College WANA have been announced on 15-04-2023. These jobs are initially for a period of one year and after that period on satisfactory performance, the Cadet College can regularize the employees.


Latest Non-Teaching and Teaching Vacancies in Cadet College WANA


The details of Teaching and Non-Teaching jobs in Cadet College Wana are as under:


Teaching Jobs


Sr. No Name of vacancy Basic Pay Scale
1 Lecturer in Chemistry BPS-17
2 Lecturer in Islamyat BPS-17



Non-Teaching Jobs


Sr. No Name of vacancy Basic Pay Scale
1 Senior Clerk BPS-09
2 Telephone Operator BPS-05
3 Cook BPS-05
4 Generator Operator BPS-03
5 Club Attendant BPS-02
6 Chowkidar BPS-02
7 House Bearer BPS-02
  Mali BPS-02
  Mess Bearer BPS-02
  Sweeper BPS-02



The selected candidates will get pay and allowances as per the Government/College rules. They will also get some special allowances in college.


Documents Required to Submit


The eligible candidates may send the following documents:


  • CV
  • Bio Data
  • Photocopies of Degrees/Certificates
  • CNIC
  • Latest Photograph


Non-Teaching and Teaching Vacancies in Cadet College WANA



Cadet College WANA Jewel of South Waziristan merged area KPK is providing career opportunities in various fields. These various vacant positions initially are to be filled for one year on a probation period. Experienced and competent candidates who can work dynamically have the best opportunity for employment. All Pakistan nations can apply who are seeking to serve in the best organizations.

Career Opportunities in KPK /Waziristan


Cadet College WANA is one of the best-known boarding institutes for boys. It is located in Southern Waziristan Tribal District. It is the jewel of its area merged with KPK. College management invites applications for various vacant positions in college. Experienced candidates who can meet all requirements of college administration are welcome to join the management. Applicants must forward their application along with verified documents and experienced certificates.

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Duration of Job


Initially, the college is hiring candidates on one year probation period. Management will observe the performance of the employee and it can extend the contractual period on its performance. Selected Contract employees may have a chance to be regular employees by serving their best services to the college.


Eligibility Criteria


All applicants must have relevant qualifications and reasonable experience for the post they are seeking for. Previous Government servants can also apply. They must submit their NOC. Pay and Allowances will be admissible according to the policy of the college.




College Management will call only suitable d experienced candidates or interview without favoritism. The college will not pay any Travelling allowance to the candidates. The college management has full reserve rights to increase, decrease or cancel any post.


Last Date To Apply


All candidates must send applications till 30th April 2023 to Principle Office Cadet College Wana.

No application will be entertained after the due date.

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