UAF Teaching Non-Teaching Vacancies 2023

There are available a number of UAF Teaching Non-Teaching Vacancies 2023. The agriculture university of Faisalabad announces vacant positions of different posts. University is seeking candidates for their teaching and non-teaching faculty staff. It invites applications from Pakistani nationals who are not married to foreign nationals. All willing candidates can apply online through the website portal of the university


The Latest UAF Teaching Non-Teaching Vacancies 2023


 The University of Agriculture Faisalabad calls for applications from all Pakistani nationals in order to fill the vacant positions of their teaching and non-teaching posts.  All experienced and active candidates who can meet all the requirements of the job are welcome to apply. All the candidates have a strong vision and insight into the subjects and have a great chance to show their abilities.


List of Jobs at the University of Agriculture Faisalabad


All the candidates having strong and impersonal communication skills can apply for the following posts:


Teaching Faculty Posts

  1. Associate Professor
  2. Assistant Professor
  3. Assistant Professor Tenure Track System
  4. Lecturers


Non-Teaching Posts


  1. Director Resource Center and Databank
  2. Chief Security Officer
  3. Director Of Monitoring and Evaluation
  4. Director Admission
  5. Director sports and student activities
  6. Security Officer
  7. Assistant Librarian
  8. Account Officers
  9. Account officers
  10. Biosafety Officer
  11. Executive Engineers
  12. Assistant Executive Engineer Name of post Subject/department/Qualification
1. Associate Professors


1.       Plant Breeding and Genetics

2.       Education

3.       Rural Sociology

4.       Mathematics and Statistics

5.       Animal Nutrition

6.       Zoology

7.       Botany

2. Assistant Professors


1.       Business Management

2.       Plant Breeding

3.       Agriculture &Resource Economics

4.       Rural Sociology

5.       Poultry

6.       Irrigation and Drainage

7.       Computer Science

8.       Environmental Sciences

9.       Marketing and Finance

10.   Wildlife and fisheries


3. Assistant Professors’ Tenure Track System 1.       Plant breeding and genetics

2.       Science and technology

3.       Environmental sciences and climate change

4.       Business management

5.       Accounts and finance human resource management

6.       Structure and Environmental Engineering

7.       Irrigation

4. Professors


1.       Botany

2.       Zoology

3.       Wildlife and Fisheries

4.       Rural Sociology

5.       Environmental Engineering

6.       Computer Sciences

7.       Soil and Environmental Sciences

8.       Plant Breeding and Genetics

9.       Entomology

5. Professor Director Quality Enhancement Cell



2.       Plant Breeding and Genetics

3.       Agronomy

4.       Entomology

5.       Plant Pathology

6.       Soil And Environmental Sciences

7.       Structures And Environmental Engineering

8.       Structures And Environmental Engineering Food Sciences

9.       Computer Science

10.   Mathematics and Statistics

11.   Zoology

6. Lecturers


1.       Seed Size and Technology

2.       Plant Breeding and Genetics

3.       Ford Engineering

4.       Livestock Management

5.       Animal Breeding and Genetics

6.       Poultry Sciences and Animal Nutrition

7.       Wildlife And Fisheries

8.       Agriculture And Resource Economics

9.       Biochemistry And Biotechnology

7. Electronics and Instrument Engineer


Central High-Tech Laboratory
8. Director (IT)


Resource Center & Data Bank Department
9. Chief Security Officer


Estate Management Department
10. Director


Monitoring and Evaluation Department
11. Director


 Student Record Branch
12. Director


 Sports and Student Activities
13. Deputy Registrar


 Administration Department

Bachelor degree

14. Deputy Treasure



Bachelors degree

15. Deputy librarian Department of Library Sciences

Ph.D. in Library Sciences

16. Executive Electrical Engineer


Administration /Engineering

Bachelors degree in Engineering

17. Executive Civil Engineer


Bachelors degree in Engineering
18. Senior Medical Officer


19. Medical Officers


20. Assistant Registrar


Bachelors degree
21. Assistant Librarian


 Masters Degree in Library Sciences
22. Account Officers


Bachelors degree
23. Security Officer


Bachelors degree
24. Bio-Safety Officer


Bachelors degree
25. Assistant Executive Engineer


Lab Engineer
26. Assistant Executive Engineer (Motor Pool)


Bachelor degree in Agri.Engineering

General Conditions to Apply


  1. All the applicants must submit their prescribed form attached with Academic Documents and Certificates, Research Projects a domicile, and CNIC.
  2. Candidate must attach a bank draft non-refundable amounting to Rupees for each post as;
  3. Professor BPS-21 Rs.3000
  4. Associate Professor Rs.2500
  5. Assistant Professor BP- 19 Rs.2000
  6. Lecturer BPS-18 Rs.1500
  7. All the posts of basic pay scale 17 and above other than faculty is Rs.1000
  8. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview.
  9. Incomplete applications and late applications after the due date
  10. will not be entertained.


 Last Date To Apply


 All the candidates must apply by 28th April 2023


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UAF Teaching Non-Teaching Vacancies 2023



UAF Teaching Non-Teaching Job Vacancies 2023

See also  New Vacancies in Education Department Colleges Balochistan 2023

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