Higher Education Aptitude Test (HAT) 2023

 The Higher Education Commission is conducting Higher Education Aptitude Test (HAT) 2023 with the help of the Education Testing Council.  This test will be conducted for the award of all Higher Education Commissions Scholarships and for Admissions to Postgraduate Degree Programs.  The process of conducting tests is totally uniform accessible and transparent.


 Eligibility Criteria For Higher Education Aptitude Test (HAT) 2023


 All the applicants can apply:


  1. who have already applied for postgraduate MS/M.phll/Ph.D degree programs through the E portal.
  2. Those who are intended to apply for future scholarship schemes sponsored by the higher education Commission of Pakistani universities.
  3. Who are hoping to get admission in postgraduate degree programs MS/M.phll/Ph.D in public and private universities of Pakistan.


Categories of Higher Education Aptitude Test


 The higher education Commission of Pakistan will conduct higher education aptitude tests for post-degree admissions and scholarships for 5 categories based on 16 years or equivalent education. all the students will register accordingly.


Test category  Disciplines Test Breakup
    English /Verbal Reasoning Analytical Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning Total
HAT-1 1.       Engineering and Technology

2.       Computer Sciences

3.       Mathematics

4.       Statistics

5.       Physics

30% 30% 40% 100%
 HAT-2 1.       Management Sciences

2.       Business Education

39% 40% 30% 100%
HAT-3 1.       Arts and Humanities

2.       Social Sciences

3.       Psychology

4.       CLINICAL and Applied

5.       Law


49% 35% 25% 100%
HAT-4 1.       Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences

2.       Biological and Medical Sciences

3.       Physical Sciences

4.       Education

5.       Media and Mass Communication

40% 30% 30% 100%
HAT-5 Religious studies

madrassa graduates

40% 30% 30% 100%
Examination Dates


  1. According to the higher education committee, the test of Higher Education Attitude will be held on Sunday 28th May 2023. If HEC made any amendment to the date of the test the new date will be uploaded on the website of HEC hec.gov.pk
  2. Applicants who register through HEC online registration process will be able to download their roll number slips from the HEC website a week before the test date.
  3. HEC will also send emails or SMS to the applicants for test dates times and venues.
  4. A printout of Roll number slips and original CNIC will be required to enter the test center on the test date.


 Method To Apply for HAT


  1. All the applicants who want to apply for the higher aptitude test must register online through the web portal of HEC.
  2. All the applicants who successfully submit their applications will be considered for the HAT test.
  3. All applicants must be rupees 2000 as An application fee.



 The last date for online registration is 10th May 2023


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Higher Education Aptitude Test (HAT) 2023

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