Higher Education Undergraduate Studies Admission Test (USAT)

The Higher Education Commission will conduct admission tests for admission at the undergraduate level in universities operating all over Pakistan.  The test is named “Higher Education Undergraduate Studies Admission Test (USAT).  HEC will conduct the USAT via Education Testing Council (ETC).

The HEC Higher Education Undergraduate Studies Admission Test (USAT)


The Undergraduate Studies Admission Test is designed on the Scholastic Aptitude Test pattern. It covers all the disciplines of Engineering Medicine (Allied Health), IT, Management, and Social Sciences at the undergraduate entry level. The students who want to take admission in an undergraduate program shall be eligible after passing USAT.


Eligible  candidates for USAT


The candidates are eligible for USAT in the following cases:


  • Students who have passed the Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC)
  • Students who have appeared in the final examination and awaiting results


Versions of USAT based on Academic Streams


There 6 different categories of USAT. One of these categories will apply to the student based on his/her academic stream. Here are details of categories in relation to the academic discipline /stream:

Sr. No. Test Category Stream /Discipline
01 USAT-E Pre-engineering
02 USAT-M Pre-Medical
03 USAT-A Art & Humanities
04 USAR-CS Computer Science
05 USAT-GS General Science
06 USAT-COM Commerce

Passing Score  and Marks Distribution for USAT


The students scoring at least 50 shall pass the test. The total marks on the USAT test will be 100.  You can check details  about Marks Distribution here:  http://www.hec.gov.pk/english/HECAnnouncements/pages/CW-HEC-USAR.aspx

See also  HSSC Annual Result 220 BISE Abbottabad and Malakand


Proposed  USAT schedule


The authorities shall conduct USAT on a quarterly basis in the major cities of Pakistan. More tests can be arranged if there will any need. The ETC will upload the Year Test Calendar on its website.


Registration for USAT


  • Candidates can visit the following web address in order to get registered http://etc.hec.gov.pk
  • There are two steps in the application procedure
  1. Students need to complete their profile using My Profile
  2. Then, they can submit applications using Undergraduate Studies Admission Test links on the menu panel on the sidebar of the Online panel.


Last Date for Registration of USAT


The closing date for USAT is May 10, 2023.  The USAT test will be held on May 28, 2013.


The Higher Education Commission of Pakistan has also announced the Higher Education Aptitude Test 2023 to register online for eligible candidates.



Higher Education Undergraduate Studies Admission Test (USAT)

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