Commencement of Final-Term Examination of BS Spring Semester IUB/2023

The Islamia University Bahawalpur issues a notification regarding the commencement of the Final Term Examination of the Bachelor’s Degree program (16 years of Education) for the Spring Semester. The deputy registrar duly signed the notification as the Spring Semester Final term exam will be started from.11th May ,2023 to 19th May ,2023. All the students should get well prepared.

Date of Final Term Examination BS Program  Spring Semester 2023 IUB


It is to notify you that Islamia University announces the date of starting the final term Examination of the BS degree Program. The exams of the Spring Semester Final term will be started From 11th May 2023 to 19th May 2023.


Sr. No Exam Dates Days
1 Start Date as 11th May 2023 Thursday
2 End Of Exam a 19th May 2023 Friday
3 Result Declaration as 26th May 2023 Friday



  1. All exams shall be conducted by a system-generated date sheet.
  2. In-charge examination /chairperson has already taken the training regarding the generation of date sheets.
  3. All chairpersons / in-charge examination must generate a date sheet on time.
  4. In case of any difficulty, chairpersons /In-charge examinations can contact the Manager Time-Table, Teaching Aids, and Manager Coordination at the Directorate of Academics.
  5. All chairpersons /In-charge examinations/Heads /Principles must implement the same as in the letter.
  6. The letter is issued by a competent authority. So it has to be followed by all departments of the university.



 Date of Final Term Examination BS Program Spring Semester 2023 IUB

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