Energy Department Baluchistan Vacancies 2023

There are available a number of Energy Department Baluchistan Vacancies 2023 BPS-04 to BPS-12 for the domicile holders of the province of Balochistan. There are 2x ads for nearly the same vacancies but different numbers of posts. The details are as under:


The Latest Energy Department Baluchistan Vacancies 2023

Baluchistan Energy Department announces the latest Job opportunities for all Pakistani Nationals. All suitable candidates who meet the requirements of the departmental post can apply. All recruitment will be done according to the recruitment policy of the department.


The government of Baluchistan currently needs urgent hiring of vigilant staff for various vacant posts. Pakistani nationals and  Local domicile holders all can avail of this opportunity to serve the department. This is the best chance for them to learn more and polish their skills.


List of Latest Jobs in Balochistan Energy Department


All experienced and skilled candidates having suitable qualifications and fulfilling all the needs of the vacant post can apply for the following:


  1. Naib Qasid.
  2. Electric Inspector Officer.
  3. Chowkidars
  4. Sweeper
  5. Commercial Assistant.
  6. Computer Operator
  7. Electrical Sub Inspector.
  8. Electrician
  9. Driver
  10. Junior Clerk.
  11. Drafts Man
  12. Sub Engineer Electrical


Detail Summary of Each Post


Sr. No Post Name Basic Pay Scale No.of Posts Qualification
1. Naib Qasid BPS-01 17 Literate
2. Chowkidaar BPS-01 04 Literate
3. Sweeper BPS-01 04 Literate
4. Assistant Computer Operator BPS-12 13 Intermediate
5. Account Assistant BPS-11 03 Bachelors degree
6. Commercial Assistant BPS-11 01 Bachelors Degree
7. Electrical Sub-Inspector BPS-11 01 DAE Electrical
8. Sub -Engineer Electrical BPS-11 03 DAE Electrical
9. Drafts Man BPS-11 01 DAE drafts ship
10. Junior Clerk BPS-11 07 Intermediate
11. Electrician BPS-08 01 Intermediate
12. Driver BPS-04 08 Middle


License LTV/HTV

General Instructions


  1. All selected candidates will be allocated according to the Department’s needs.
  2. Only those candidates are eligible who meet the qualifications needs of the required Post.
  3. All suitable and eligible candidates can apply and send their application along with Domicile,2 -passport size pictures, CNIC, and academic documents.
  4. Recruitment will be done according to the recruitment policy 2009.
  5. The government of Baluchistan has opted 5% quota for the minority community.


Last Date Go Apply


All applicants must send their applications by 10th May 2023.


The candidates may have opportunities to apply for the National Counter Terrorism Department Jobs 2023 announced on 19-04-2023.


Ad No. 01



Energy Department Baluchistan Vacancies 2023


Ad No. 2



Energy Department Balochistan Job Vacancies 2023

See also  PPSC Future Jobs Updated List April 2024

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