Clarification of Special Dispensation BPS-01 to BPS-16 Defence Paid (HIT) Employees

Government of Pakistan, Finance Division issued a Notification on 19-04-2023 in connection with the Clarification of Special Dispensation Defence Paid (HIT) Employees. According to this latest clarification, the employees of Heavy Industry Taxila are not eligible for the special dispensation being Defence Paid Employees. However, the Lower Division Clerks (LDC) and Upper Division Clerks (UDC) will have now upgraded posts in this department.


The Latest Clarification of Special Dispensation Defence Paid (HIT) Employees


Finance Division issues an Office Memorandum Regarding Clarification Regarding Special Dispensation. The Special Dispensation is admissible for Employees from BS-01 to BS-16 of the Federal setup.  Here are the details:


The Federal Government granted Special Dispensation for civil servants in the Federal Government. The special dispensation is admissible to those Civil Servants of the Federal  Government who are in BS-01 to BS-16 and receive Disparity Reduction Allowance (excluding Employees paid out of Defence Estimates ). The employees of HIT are paid out of Defence Estimates so they are not eligible for this dispensation.


Up-gradation of LDCs and UDCs


The Federal Government also clarifies that the posts of LDCs and UDCs of all organizations being paid out of Defence Estimates have been upgraded.


Finance Divison has already issued the Notification of Upgradation/Time Scale BPS-01 to BPS-16 Federal Government employees. In this Notification, it was clear this dispensation is not for the employees who are Defence Paid. However many departments sought clarification about the admissibility of the same dispensation. After another clarification, Finance Division also cleared that All Upper Division Clerks and Lower Division Clerks’ posts it has upgraded in all the offices of the Federal Government. So all departments should now upgrade their LDCs and UDCs. Some employees got one next scale pay and others two scale upgradation. The BPS-16 employees got one additional increment instead of time scale or up-graduation.

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Clarification of Special Dispensation Defence Paid (HIT) Employees

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