Budget 2023-24 Conveyance Allowance Increase Demand of the Government Employees

All Government employees of Pakistan have the main demand of the Conveyance Allowance Increase in Budget 2023-24. The Government of Pakistan added different types of allowances to the monthly income of government servants. All government employees receive these allowances as an additional value in their salary.  One of the most important allowances is the conveyance allowance. But this is an era of inflation. Due to high inflation, all employees need to boost their monthly income as their living expenses are more than their income. Even the additional allowances make no additional value to meet their expenses.


Govt Employees Conveyance Allowance Increase Demand in Budget 2023-24


 All the government employees demand an increase in conveyance allowance. As we know that government is already providing a conveyance allowance to government employees but this is not enough due to the rise in the price of petrol. The petrol consumption for long distant areas is much more.  Government employees cannot afford the expense of petrol consumption on daily basis. All the government employees who go to do work in far furlong areas, many of them use public transport and some of them use their personal vehicles. Some of them use Local transport like rickshaws bus, wagons, and other costs high.

So there is a need to enhance the convenience allowance of government employees in order to support them and assist them to feel their job is easy but not a burden.


The Expense of Conveyance of Employees

And all the government employees who use local and public transport have to pay fares on the basis of the distance they covered. Not only do they pay a huge House Rent Allowance but they have to bear extra charges on conveyance. This increases the daily transport expense of the employee. It also affects Employees mentally also as they think their service is a burden. Petrol is the basic need to run the transport system.  But within a few years back we can see a consistent rise in the prices of petrol.  The increase in the remuneration of government employees is much less than the increase in petrol prices. Here is a glimpse of the conveyance expense per round for the employees:

See also  Revision of Allowances Order on Upgradation of Posts in Police Department Sindh

Means of Conveyance Total Average Distance Home to Office and Office to Home Petrol Consumption Per KM Maintenance Changes Total Fuel Petrol Price Total Expenses

(25 days)


(For females especially)

20 KM         25,000/-
Motorcycle 20 KM 40 KM per Ltr 2500/- .05 Ltr 282/- 6025/-
Personal car 20 KM 12 KM per Ltr 5000/- 1.5 Ltr 282/- 15575
Public Transport

(Bus, wagon)

20KM         5000/-

Existing CA Rates for Employees


In the previous four years, we can see a remarkable rise in the price of petrol. All the government employees from the basic pay scale 01 to 16 need to meet up their conveyance expenses. It is the basic reason why they are demanding an increase in convenience allowance. The existing rates of conveyance allowance for Government employees are as under:

Sr. No Basic Pay Scale Consumption of Petrol in Rupees
1. BPS-01 to BPS-04 Rs.1785/-
2. BPS-05 to BPS-10 Rs.1932/-
3. BPS-11 to BPS-15 Rs.2856/-
4. BPS-16 and above Rs.5000/-

Last Time Conveyance Allowance Increased


The employees now getting the conveyance allowance as per their conveyance allowance rates increased in 2014 for BPS-01 to BPS-15 while the employees of BPS-16 and above are getting the conveyance allowances rates 2012. The table is as under:



Basic Pay Scale
  BS-01 to BS-04 BPS-05 to BPS-10 BS -11 to BS -15 BPS- 16 and above
01-07-2005 340 460 680 1240
01-07-2008 680 920 1360 2480
01-07-2011 850 1150 1700 2480
01-10-2012 1150      
01-07-2012 1500 1500 2000 5000
01-09-2012 1700 1840 2720 5000
07-07-2014 1785 1932 2856 5000

Suggestion to Government Regarding Enhancement in Conveyance Allowance

  • BPS-16 and above employees mostly use personal cars, hence their conveyance announces Government should rise to a minimum of 15000/- per month.
  • BPS-01 to BPS-15 Conveyance Allowance should be uniformly Rs. 7000/- per month.


Budget 2023-24 Conveyance Allowance Increase Demand of the Government Employees


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  1. RANA shahid jnab sabri · Edit

    مجھے سمجھ نہیں آئی ۔کیا ویکنسی ہے ۔اگر ہے تو میں جاب کرنا چاہتا ہوں ۔


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