News Regarding Chances of 30% Increase in Salary in Budget 2023-24

The Daily Jang Karachi dated 25th April 2023 published news Regarding the Chances of a 30% Increase in Salary in Budget 2023-24 for the civilian and military employees of Pakistan.  As per the news, Government may increase pay from 15% to 30%. The details are as under:


Chances of a 30% Increase in Salary in Budget 2023-24 News by Daily Jang


As per the news, there are chances for up to a 30% of salary increase in the coming Budget 2023-24. The Finance Division has already shared the Tentative Date of Announcement of Budget 2023-24 in Pakistan which is the 1st week of June 2023. The government may change the date of the presentation of the budget due to the political situation in the country.


News of 30% Increase In Salary And Pension Of Civil And Military Servants


Prime Minister of Pakistan Shahbaz Sharif will discuss the continuous increase in the rate of inflation and the rise in the prices of basic commodities of life.  For this purpose, Prime Minister calls cabinet meeting in order to discuss how to compensate the civil and military servants. The inflation does not only affect the salaried community including civil and military but all trading communities also. Most of them are middle-class and lower-class people.  Their monthly salaries are not enough to meet their living expenses.  They do need an increase in their salaries or monthly income.

 Need To Compensate All the Military and Civil Servants

All the military and civil servants demand an enhancement in their pay and allowances.  Many of them are the single source of income for their families.  But now they are and just how to satisfy their basic needs of life vendor expenses are more than their income.

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All the government servants’ civil and military servants including regular or retired employees need to have some increase in their pensions and salaries.  The current monthly income or pension is not enough for them due to the continuous rise in the prices of daily use commodities especially in petrol.


News Regarding Chances of 30% Increase in Salary in Budget 2023-24




Statement of Rana Sana Ullah Federal Minister


Despite the limited resources in the federal budget for the fiscal year 2023-24, there is a possibility of including a proposal to increase the salaries and pensions of civil and military employees by 15% to 30%. The Director General of the Ministry of Finance was contacted about the salaries. He said that after the Eid holidays, which are ending today April 25, he would be in a position to inform the actual position or update.

Meanwhile, sources say that in the meeting of the federal cabinet, Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif called there was discussion of it.  The increasing prices of essential goods in the country have an impact on the people in general and the salaried class, whether they are civilians or military.  They will try to increase their salary by up to 50%.



Main Demands of the Employees


  • The employees demand that Government should increase Conveyance Allowance in the Budget 2023-23 due to the hike in petrol prices and enhancement in fares.
  • The employees are getting Medical Allowance BPS-01 to BPS-16 only 1500/- per month. That is even less than a consultation fee of a proper doctor. They request the Government to raise it to a minimum of 5000/- per month or the Government should provide free of cost all health facilities to the employees.
  • House Rent Allowance increase is another demand of the employees. There is no increase in HRA since 2017. Employees demand that Government should raise it on the initial of the Revised Pay Scales 2022 as per the basic pay scale of the employee.
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