BPS-05 to BPS-15 Vacancies through STS in Provincial Drug

A number of BPS-05 to BPS-15 Vacancies through STS in Provincial Drug have been advertised. Karachi Drug Court announces various job opportunities. It is accepting applications for screening tests of various posts. All Pakistani Nationals having suitable required qualifications can apply. It is the best opportunity for all candidates willing to join the Government department of Sindh.

Government Jobs BPS-05 to BPS-15 Vacancies through STS

Karachi Drug Court is inviting applications from suitable candidates for various categories. Every category has required specific qualifications. A competent Authority will conduct screening tests for selecting the best candidates for every category. Screening tests will be conducted by the SBA testing service. After


Screening Test by Karachi Drug Court


KDC is going to select the most suitable candidate who can serve the department best. For this purpose, it is conducting a Screening Test for choosing capable candidates for different categories. All candidates can apply online via www.sts.net.pk.

Sr.no Name of Post Basic Pay Scale No.of Posts Qualification
1. Reader BPS-12 01 Graduate

Must have knowledge of MS Office

2. Junior Computer Operator BPS-12 01 Bachelor’s degree in IT, Computer Science, and Electronics from a recognized university

Experienced in MS Office


3. Junior Clerk BPS-11 01 Intermediate

(Minimum typing speed 40/pm)

Detail Summary of Screening Test


  1. All categories have different screening tests.
  2. SBA Testing Service will conduct all tests.
  3. The cut-off percentage will be 50%.
  4. Only successful candidates will be called for ability tests.
  5. SGA & CD with reference to notification SORI(SGA & CD) 3-76/219 will conduct Interviews of shortlisted candidates.
  6. Notified Selection Committee will take the interview.
  7. Applicants must pay Rs.1200/- as an application fee.

Test venue/Centers


  1. Karachi
  2. Sukkhar
  3. Hyderabad


Last Date to Apply


Candidates can apply till 19th May 2023


Important Instructions


  1. All candidates must send a complete application with all documents.
  2. Paid challan and academic certificates must be attached.
  3. Only short-listed candidates will be called for the further recruitment process.
  4. The department can hold, increase or decrease the no.of posts.
  5. Government servants can also apply.


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BPS-05 to BPS-15 Vacancies through STS in Provincial Drug

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