COD Rawalpindi and Embarkation Headquarter Kemari Vacancies 2023

I am sharing here the two ads for Embarkation Headquarter (HQ) Kemari and COD Rawalpindi Vacancies in May 2023 for the posts of Naib Qasid, Mess Cook, Carpenter, and USM. The details are as under:


Embarkation HQ Kemari and COD Rawalpindi Vacancies 2023


These two ads for jobs in Embarkation HQ Kemari and COD Rawalpindi were announced on 30-04-2023. The willing candidates may apply for these two jobs separately as per the instructions in the ads.


Embarkation Headquarters Kimari Jobs May 2023


Embarkation Headquarters Karachi is hiring experienced and skilled candidates for the post office Naib Qasid and Mess Cook. Commandant Embarkation Kimari Karachi needs staff for the local business. It requires experienced and skilled candidates in order to support their business activities according to their posts.

 All the local residential candidates having local domicile can apply.


Eligibility Criteria


Candidates having local domicile and Primary Education with relevant experience in their field have a great chance to get Employment Opportunities.  candidate must have special skills in their fields. As the commandant embarkation will choose preferably the skilled and experienced candidates.


Detail Summary of Each Post


Sr.No Name of Post Basic Pay Scale No.of Posts Qualification Domicile Age limit
Naib Qasid BPS- 01 02 Primary Local 18-30 years
Cook Mess BPS-01 02 Primary



Local 18-30 years
Required Documents


All the applications of the candidates must have the following data:


  1. Full Name of Candidate
  2. Father Name
  3. Date Of Birth
  4. District Of Birth
  5. Qualification
  6. Full Permanent Address
  7. Landline And Mobile Phone Numbers
  8. All Academic Certificates
  9. All Academic Documents
  10. Academic Documents
  11. Professional certificates
  12. CNIC copy
  13. Two passport-size photos
  14. Domicile


Method to Apply


Interested and willing candidates can submit their applications at the given address

Embarkation Headquarters Kimari Karachi care of Civil Establishment branch post box no.7004 Kimari Karachi.

Last Date to Apply


All willing and interested candidates must submit their applications at the above address by 20th May 2023.


General instructions


  1. All candidates must apply before the deadline.
  2. Headquarters will not entertain applications received after the due date.
  3. Incomplete applications will not be entertained.
  4. All candidates must fulfill the eligibility criteria.
  5. Age relaxation will be provided. On that decision of the competent authority.
  6. All the candidates must fill out the application and provide clear and original information as required in the advertisement.


Embarkation HQ Kemari and COD Rawalpindi Vacancies 2023



Employment opportunity in COD Rawalpindi 2023


DCO Rawalpindi announces the job opportunity for interested candidates.

For this purpose, DOC invites applications from skilled experienced candidates to fill the vacant positions. The following job categories are available for the interested candidates


Sr No Position No of position Qualification Domicile Age limit
1 Carpenter 01 Primary pass

Must have experience in a relevant field

Local 18 to 30 years
2 USM 02 Primary pass Local 18 to 30 years

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How to apply?


Interested candidates can apply through the proper application form with complete documents (date of birth, address, contact no)  200/- rupees postal address with the;

  • copies of attested educational documents,
  • Copies of domicile, certificate, CNIC
  • 02 passport size photos
  • Experience certificates

Candidates must submit their applications within 15 days.


Terms and Conditions


  • 3 years of age relaxation for the Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan candidates.
  • Retired government servants can apply through the proper channel. In this way, they will have a chance to get pay protection and counting of previous service.
  • 15 years of age relaxation for the Ex-Serviceman.
  • No TA or DA will be called for the test or interview.
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be called for the test or interview.
  • Applications received after the due date shall not be entertained.
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • The authority reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of posts.



COD Rawalpindi Jobs may 2023





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