Pakistan Metrological Department (PMD) Job Vacancies 2023

A number of Pakistan Metrological Department BPS-01 to BPS-15 PMD Job Vacancies 2023 have been announced for various posts. These jobs in PMD are from Basic Pay Scale One to Fifteen. The details are as under:

BPS-01 to BPS-15 PMD Job Vacancies 2023 in Islamabad


The government of the Pakistan Meteorological Department announces various employment opportunities to competent, skilled, and experienced Candidates.  The department invites all the willing and interested candidates who can serve the department in their best ways.

The department needs experienced candidates for the posts of BPS-01 to BPS-15.

This is the right time for skilled and experienced candidates to show their ability their competency. As experienced and skill-based employees are the top priorities of the department.


BPS-01 to BPS-15  Top  Vacancies in Metrological Department


Metrological headquarters sector 2  is accepting applications of applicants from all Pakistani Nationals For different vacant positions on the basis of Regional, Provincial, and Local Quotas. All the willing candidates can apply across the country on the given quotas according to their qualifications and requirements for the post. All the willing candidates can avail this opportunity as the department is a various number of posts.


List of Jobs in Pakistan Metrological Department


  1. Assistant (Ministerial)
  2. Meteorological
  3. Data Entry Operator
  4. Sub-Engineer Electronics
  5. Upper Division Clerk (UDC)
  6. Lower Division Clerk
  7. Senior Observer
  8. Radio Mechanic
  9. Observer
  10. Mechanic Grade-II
  11. Driver
  12. Lab-Assistant
  13. Balloon Maker
  14. Naib Qasid
  15. Chowkidaar
  16. Qoolie
  17. Sweeper


Sr.No Name of Post Basic Pay Scale No.of Posts Qualification Age Limit
1. Assistant Ministerial BPS-15 02 Graduate

6-week IT Training Course

18-28 years
2. Meteorological BPS-14 21 BSc Meteorological 18-25 years
3. Data Entry Operator BPS- 14 10 BSc Computer Science



18-25 years
4. Sub-Engineer Electronics BPS-13 17 DAE -do-
5. Upper Division Clerk UDC BPS-13 02 03-weeks IT Diploma -do-
6. Lower Division Clerk BPS-11 05 Matric

Typing speed minimum 30 per Minute

7. Senior Observer BPS-09 53 FSc Pre-Engineering



8. Radio Mechanic BPS-07 12 Matric

Science Group

9. Observer BPS-07 17 Matric -do-
10. Mechanic Grade-II BPS-05 09 Middle

Skilled and Experienced

11. Driver BPS-04 03 Primary

Driving License HTV/LTV

12. Lab Assistant BPS-02 04 Primary

Ability to Read and Write

13. Balloon Maker BPS-01 19 Primary -do-
14. Naib Qasid BPS-01 17 Primary


15. Chowkidaar BPS-01 12 Primary -do-
16. Qoolie BPS-01 05 Primary


17. Sweeper BPS-01 04 Primary

Experienced and skilled


General conditions


All the eligible candidates must read the following conditions:


  • All the candidates will be recruited according to the recruitment policy of the department.
  • Applicants who have applied previously in the advertisement posted on.09-10-2022 must apply again as fresh candidate.
  • For the interview, the candidate must bring the original academic documents and certificates he must also bring professional certificates if have any.
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be called for the interview.
  • The department will not provide any traveling allowance.
  • The department is also providing age relaxation Of 2-5 years to the following communities
    • Buddhist Communities
    • Recognize Qabails of Tribal Areas
    • Officers Retired Armed Forces
    • Widows, Daughters of Deceased Civil Servants
    • Disabled Persons
  • All the candidates must fill their application with correct information according to the requirement of the relevant post.




Pakistan Metrological Department (PMD) Job Vacancies 2023


PMD Jobs May 2023

See also  Intelligence Operators (BPS-07) Vacancies in Special Branch Punjab Police 2023

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