Clarification Change of Category of Hiring Accommodation during On-going Lease Period

Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Housing and Works issued an Office Memorandum on 28-02-2023 in connection with the Clarification Change of Category of Hiring Accommodation during the On-going Lease Period.  The Ministry of Housing & Works issued a Notification to clarify the matter Request for Opinion under Relevant Rules for Hiring of Residential Accommodation. The details are as under:

Change of Category of Hiring Accommodation during On-going Lease Period

I direct to refer to the Law and Justice Division, Islamabad’s letter no. 4(2)/2023-F&A dated 13-02-2023 on the subject cited above. I state that in case of a change of category of Accommodation during an ongoing lease period in case of Regular promotion or a time scale Promotion, the employee is eligible for the rental ceiling of a new category of accommodation of a self-hired / private hires house to the condition that the house may be as per Officer’s /official’s entitlement.

In case of a change of the category of accommodation due to a regular a time scale promotion,  if the concerned officer fulfills all the specifications required for the new category of accommodation,  the same premises be allowed for the purpose of hiring subject to the condition that the house may be as per Officer’s/Official’s entitlement.



The main purpose of the letter is to clarify that sometimes the employee gets a promotion or up-gradation from a lower to a higher pay scale. In this way, the employee has the right of hiring residential accommodation in the category of the higher pay scale. However, if the employee fulfills all the criteria of a higher pay scale house then the employee is only eligible for that category of hiring.

See also  Notification of Revised Pay Scales 2016 Sindh

                   Suppose an employee of BPS-16 gets a promotion to BPS-17 in this way the hiring category of the employee changes. The covered area for BPS-16 employees is less than 1100 sq feet however the covered area for BPS-17 is a minimum of 1100 square feet. On promotion to BPS-17 if the employee has a covered area of less than 1100 square feet then the employee will not get the hiring of BPS-17 although the employee has got promotion to BPS-17.


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Clarification Change of Category of Hiring Accommodation during On-going Lease Period

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