Table of Scale Wise Rental Ceiling Covered Area and Specification of Hired House

I am sharing the Table of Scale Wise Rental Ceiling Covered Area and Specification of Hired House for the employees. The covered area of the house is different for different pay scale employees. The table has 10 categories of employees BPS-wise.  The table contains old rates of hiring; however, I have updated the same table with new rates effective from 1st July 2021 after the Enhancement of the Rental Ceiling of the Hiring 2021 Notification for Federal Government employees.


Basic Pay Scale Wise Rental Ceiling Covered Area and Specification of Hired House

The employees of BPS-01 to BPS-22 will get the rental ceiling of hiring as per the new rates with effect from 1st July 2021 and the minimum covered area required for each category of employees is as under:

Table of Scale Wise Rental Ceiling Covered Area and Specification of Hired House

Sr. No. Basic Pay Scale Rental Ceiling Covered Area Specifications
Islamabad Others Specified Section
1. BPS-01 to BPS-02 Rs.7029.00 Rs.6591.00 300 sq feet One to two rooms with cooking area, bath/WC
2. BPS-03 to BPS-06 RS.10980.00 RS.9654.00 500 sq feet -do-
3. BPS-07 to BPS-10 Rs.16403.00 Rs.14682.00 500 sq feet Two to three rooms Kitchen, Bath/WC.
4. BPS-11 to BPS-13 Rs.24744.00 Rs.21462.00 600 sq feet -do-
5. BPS-14 to BPS-16 Rs.31085.00 Rs.27134.00 700 sq feet Drawing cum dining room, two bedrooms, kitchen, bath/WC
6. BPS-17 to BPS-18 Rs.41147.00 Rs.35898.00 1100 sq feet -do-
7. BPS-19 Rs.54704.00 Rs.46816.00 1300 sq feet Drawing own dining room, two to three bedrooms with two baths, kitchen, and servant quarter with toilet.
8. BPS-20 Rs.68700.00 Rs.59079.00 1800 sq feet -do-
9. BPS-21 Rs.82261.00 Rs.71107.00 2200 sq feet Drawing cum dining room three bedrooms with three baths, kitchen, and one servant quarter with toilet
10. BPS-22 Rs.98444.00 Rs.89230.00 2500 sq feet -do-
See also  Finance Department KP Disparity Reduction Allowance Summary

Table of Covered Area for Hiring


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Cities Where Hiring of Residential Accommodation Admissible


The residential accommodation of hiring is currently available in the following cities only:

  • Islamabad
  • Rawalpindi
  • Lahore
  • Peshawar
  • Quetta
  • Karachi

The employees residing in the above cities can claim the hiring of residential accommodation. If they don’t claim the said facility then they will get House Rent Allowance (HRA).

If the employee gets a promotion or his pay scale changes during the ongoing lease then the employee is eligible to get hiring of the higher pay scale as per the Clarification Change of Category of Hiring Accommodation during the On-going Lease Period issued by the Ministry of Housing and Works. However, the employee will have to fulfill the conditions mentioned above for the particular higher pay scale.

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