Contract Based Latest jobs in Balochistan

A Contract Based Latest jobs in Balochistan are available in Districts Loralai and Turbat/Kaich. The Provincial Coordinator Prevention &Control Of Blindness Program is accepting applications for the post of Optometrist.


Optometrist Post Contract Based Latest jobs in Balochistan


  1. Department has started a project regarding the “School Screening Project at Loralai and Turbat/Kaich. The department needs active candidates who can understand the phycology of children and work with them in a friendly way. All Pakistani Nationals having local domiciles of Loralai and Keech can avail of this opportunity. If they are able to understand community development Programs they have a great opportunity to work in order to complete the project.


Contract Base Jobs in Loralai

The Prevention& Control of Business Quetta announces very attractive job opportunities for the locals of Loralai and Kaich. If they are passionate to work with children in know how to work actively. They are welcome to apply and be a competent member of the staff. Candidates must apply before the last date. They can apply online via All applications must be filled completely with all requirements of the post.

Detail Summary of Post Post Title No.of Posts Qualification
1. Optometrists Total posts 03


Loraalai 03




BS Vision Sciences

Along with 02 years experience of working with tertiary Hospital


Job Description


  1. Candidate must be able to screen out patients with relevant diseases.
  2. He must be able to understand community development Programs.
  3. He must be able to work with children.
  4. He must have experience with school screening projects.


Eligibility Criteria


  1. Candidates must be Pakistani Nationals.
  2. Candidate must fulfill all requirements of the job.
  3. Candidate must be local to Loralai and Kaich.


General Conditions


  1. Candidate must send a complete application.
  2. Candidates must apply before the deadline.
  3. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview.
  4. There will be no TA/DA.
  5. All candidates must activate their contact numbers.


Last Date to Apply


Candidates can apply till 15th May 2023. Applications received after the due date will not be entertained.


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Contract Based Latest jobs in Balochistan

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