Walk-in-Interview for the Posts of BPS-01 to BPS-04 In Dadu

The ad for Walk-in-Interview for the Class IV BPS-01 to BPS-04 Vacancies In Dadu 2023 District has been issued. Executive Engineer Public Health Engineering Division Daadu is providing employment opportunities to all-Male/Female/ Minority Community and Disabled candidates according to the recruitment policy of the government. For this purpose, all willing and experienced candidates have applied according to their qualifications. Now they have to come for an interview for final selection.

Class IV BPS-01 to BPS-04 Vacancies In Dadu 2023


Executive Engineer Public Health Engineering Division Daadu is conducting a walk-in- interview for the various vacant positions. It needs experienced and skilled staff. For the final Selection Schedule of the interview is released. Candidates must check the schedule in order to come on time.


Interview Schedule


Sr.No Title of Post Basic Pay Scale No.Of Posts Qualification Interview Date
1. Driver BPS-04 01 Literate


Having a License LTV/HTV

19th , 22nd and 23rd May, 2023
2. Pump Operator BPS-04 03 Middle Pass


3. Helper BPS-02 05 Preferable Middle
4. Baildaar BPS-01 05 Middle



5. Chowkidaar BPS-01 47 Middle
6. Naib Qasid BPS-91 05 Middle


7. Sanitary Worker BPS-01 01 Able to Read and Write

Before this BPS-01 to BPS-4 (Class Four) Employees Vacancies in Tharparkar District have been announced on a regular basis. The recruitment process for these jobs is still open.


Required Documents


Candidates must bring the following Documents at the time of the interview:


  1. Academic documents
  2. Academic Certificates
  3. Professional Certificates
  4. Domicile
  5. PRC
  6. CNIC
  7. License (for the post of driver)


Interview Dates


All candidates will come for an interview on the 19th, 22nd, and 23rd  May 2023.


General Conditions


  1. Candidate must bring his all Academic documents and certificates along with professional certificates on the day of the interview before. Recruitment committee.
  2. Recruitment of women disabled and minority community candidates will be done according to the recruitment policy of the government.
  3. In-service government and semi-government employees can also apply through the proper channels. They must have an OC from their department.
  4. Age Relaxation will be provided according to the notifications circulated on 27th July 2020.
  5. The department reserves the right to increase decrease or hold the number of seats of any post.
  6. Recruitment Committee will make a final decision which is not challenging.
  7. All recruitments are initially on a contract basis
  8. For the interview candidates will not receive any travelling allowance.



Class IV BPS-01 to BPS-04 Vacancies In Dadu 2023

See also  Health Department and BISE Rawalpindi Vacancies through PPSC Ad No. 22/2023

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