BPS-01 to BPS-03 Non-Technical Latest Vacancies in Sanghar

A number of BPS-01 to BPS-03 Non-Technical Latest Vacancies in Sanghar District have been announced. The Government of Sindh announces recruitment for the non-technical Unfilled seats in Municipal Committee SANGHAR. Session Officer Services General Administration and Coordination Department Government of Sindh Karachi is recruiting capable candidates for the non-technical posts according to the letter number SOV (SGA&CD) 8-27-2019 of 19th April 2023.


Non-Technical Latest Job Vacancies BPS-01 to BPS-03


 Administrator municipal committee Sanghar issues notification to fill the various vacant non-technical posts of BPS-01 to BPS-03. The department needs skilled and educated candidates who are specialized for the relevant posts according to their qualifications and experience. All Pakistani nationals are invited to apply.

willing and interested candidates can apply by sending their application to the office of the municipal committee Sanghar.


Summary of Class IV Jobs in Sanghar


Sr.No Name of Post Basic Pay Scale No.of Posts Qualification
1. Notice Server BPS-03 01 Middle Pass
2. Sanitary Worker BPS-02 46 Literate
3. Sanitary Worker Non-Muslim BPS-01 88 Able to read and Write
4. Naib Qasid BPS-01 30 Primary
5. Maali BPS-01 05 Primary


6. Chowkidaar 01 03 Primary


7. Builder BPS-01 03 Primary


8. Cleaner BPS-01 03 Primary

Preferably Educated

Interview Schedule


Date of Interview Time of Interview Deadline to Apply
25th and 26th May,2023 9:00 AM to 4:00:PM 25th May 2023

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General conditions


  1. Candidates must apply before the deadline.
  2. The application must be completely filled out.
  3. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  4. Candidate must attach all the required documents with the application.
  5. Recruitment for the women quota disabled and minority quota will be done by following the recruitment policy of the government.
  6. The maximum age limit for the applicants is 18 to 28 years.
  7. Age relaxation will be provided according to the recruitment policy of the government.
  8. The department will not provide any traveling allowance to the candidates for the day of the interview.


Last Date to Apply


Willing candidates can apply till 25th May 2023.



BPS-01 to BPS-03 Non-Technical Latest Vacancies in Sanghar

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