Notification Recruitment Rules for Appointment Elementary School Teacher (EST BPS-16) Sindh

Government of Sindh, School Education & Literacy Department issued a Notification on 05-05-2023 in connection with Recruitment Rules for Appointment Elementary School Teacher (EST BPS-16) Sindh. The details are as under:

Recruitment Rules for Appointment Elementary School Teacher (EST BPS-16) Sindh


Secretary Government of Sindh School Education &Literacy Department issues a notification about conditions regarding the appointment of EST.

He also added qualification Requirements,  Experience, and other conditions for the appointment in respect of the

Post of Elementary School Teacher( EST)  of BPS-16. Notification is about the appointment of EST in the School Education and Literacy Department. The government of Sindh shares a detailed summary of the method and requirements.




Name of Post


Basic Pay Scale


Method of Appointment




Age limit


1. Elementary School Teachers


BPS-16 60% by initial appointment through SPSC



40% by promotion from junior Elementary teacher (JEST) having a minimum experience of 3 years of service



Teaching License by STEDA

18-28 years

In the Sindh Govt education department, the department will recruit 60% ESTs through Sindh Public Service Commission while the remaining 40% of posts will be filled through promotion from JESTs.


Conditions about the Appointment of EST


The government of Sindh Secretary shares the following above conditions in pursuance of sub-rule (2) of rule 3 of Sindh Civil Servants regarding appointment, Promotion, and Transfer Rule 1974, after consultation with:


  1. Regulation Wing
  2. General Administration
  3. Coordination’s Department



Recruitment Rules for Appointment Elementary School Teacher (EST BPS-16) Sindh


The Post of EST in some provinces is BPS-15 too. However, the post of SST is BPS-16 in provincial and BPS-17 in Federal Government Departments.


The posts of teaching staff are in different pay scales in various educational setups. Recently you can see that there is an upgradation of PST from BPS-12 to BPS14 and SST from BPS-16 to BPS-17 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The teachers of all setups request the government that they must have equal pay scales for each nomenclature. In this way, the employees having the same nomenclature but different pay scale will have the same pay scales. They will work with more zeal and zest.

See also  Notification 365 Days Leave Encashment KPK Government

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