BPSC Balochistan Public Service Commission Vacancies Ad 07/2023

The Balochistan Public Service Commission Vacancies Ad 07/2023 has been issued for various posts. These BPSC jobs are mostly on a regular basis. The details are as under:

The Latest Balochistan Public Service Commission Vacancies Ad 07/2023


Secretary Baluchistan Public Service Commission is accepting applications for various high-grade vacant posts in different departments. For this purpose, departments need skilled, Educated, and Experienced Candidates to fill these vacant seats. All Pakistani Nationals who are suitable according to qualification and Experience requirements can apply online.

Baluchistan Public Service Commission is conducting Witten tests for each post.  Willing candidates must deposit a Test fee o Rs.1000/- for BPS-18 and Rs.600 for BPS-16 and BPS-17.


List of BPSC Jobs


  1. Director Technical
  2. Deputy Director Laboratory
  3. Deputy Director
  4. Assistant Director
  5. Assistant Director (Air Noise Coors Projects
  6. Assistant Director (Air and Water)
  7. Publicity Officer
  8. Research Assistant (Air and Water)
  9. Research Assistant
  10. Assistant Engineer
  11. Prosecuting Officer


Summary of Balochistan Public Service Commission Vacancies


Sr.No Name of Post Basic Pay Scale No.of Posts Qualifications
1. Director Technical BPS-19 01 Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences /Environmental. Engineering

Or Equivalent

2. Deputy Director Laboratory BPS-18 01 Master’s degree in Environmental Sciences /Environmental. Engineering

Or Equivalent

3. Deputy Director BPS-18 04 Ph.D. or M.Phil in Environmental Sciences /Environmental. Engineering

Or Equivalent

4. Assistant Director BPS-17 33 Master’s Degree in Environmental Sciences /Environmental. Engineering

Or Equivalent

5. Assistant Director

(Air Noise Coors Projects)

BPS-17 01 Master’s Degree/BS/ in Environmental Sciences /Environmental. Engineering

Or Equivalent

6. Assistant Director

(Air and Water)

BPS-17 01 Mater’s Degree in Environmental Sciences /Environmental. Engineering

Or Equivalent

7. Publicity Officer BPS-16 01 Master’s degree in Mass Communication /Journalism
8. Research Assistant

(air and Water)

BPS-16 01 Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Sciences/Marine Sciences
9. Research Assistant BPS-16 06 Master’s Degree in Environmental Sciences,


Marine Sciences


Urban and Planning Department Balochistan


Sr.No Name of Post Basic Pay Scale No.of Posts Qualification
1. Assistant Engineer BPS-17 14 BSc/BE in Civil Engineering

Or Equivalent

 Home and Tribal Affairs Department


Sr. No Name of Post Basic Pay Scale No.of Posts Qualification
1. Prosecuting inspector BPS-16 16 Graduate

For the residents of the province of Punjab, there are also active Punjab Public Service Commission Vacancies May 2023. The candidates of the concerned province may apply for these jobs too if they fulfil the required criteria.


Syllabus for Test BPSC Jobs May 2023


The First Paper of 100 marks paper will be conducted. The marks are allocated as under:


  1. English Paper 20 Marks
  2. Précis Writing 20 Marks
  3. English Grammar 20 Marks
  4. General Knowledge Relating to Pakistan 50-Marks

The second Paper of 150 Marks will be conducted. Marls will be allocated as under

  1. Pakistan Penal Code 50 Marks
  2. Criminal Procedure Code 50 Marks
  3. Evidence Act 50 Marks




Only those candidates will be called for viva voice who will successfully pass the written paper.


Balochistan Public Service Commission Vacancies Ad 07 of 2023


General Instructions


  1. Applicants must apply online via bpsc.gob.pk
  2. Applicants must apply within the due date.
  3. Late and incomplete applications will not be considered.
  4. Candidates must bring original CNIC and Treasury Receipt (Green Challan) and Admission Certificate Roll.No Slips at the time of the Secondary Written Test.
  5. Candidates must deposit Challan of Rs.1000/- for BPS-18 and Rs.600/- for BPS-16 and BPS-17.
  6. Candidates can apply through women/disabled and Minority quotas for Kalat, Quetta, and Nasirabad Zones.


Last Date of Submission of  Application


Willing candidates can send their applications by the closing date of Thursday 15th June 2023.

See also  Punjab Public Service Commission Jobs 2019 Advertisement No. 30/2019

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