Notification Special Dispensation Clarification May 2023 for Defence Paid Employees

Government of Pakistan, Finance Division Regulation Wing issued a Notification on 09-05-2023 in connection with Special Dispensation Clarification May 2023 for Defence Paid Employees. This new clarification is for all Defence Paid Employees who are getting Disparity reduction Allowance. The Finance Division also clarified the issue of UDC and LDC paying out of Defence Estimates. The details are as under:

Special Dispensation Clarification Defence Paid Employees


Section Officer Ministry of Defense (Defense Division) circulates notifications regarding the Clarification of Special Dispensation for Civil Servants In the Federal Government for the Employees in BPS-01 to BPS-16. According to the official Memorandum Finance Department Regulation Wing notification no.F.No.(1)R-I/2023-195/2023 dates as 9th May 2023 section Officer refers to Ministry of Defense  OM.No.F.9/7/Misc-CAO/D-5/2022 dated on 10-04-2023 about the civil servants /employees whether they are in receipt of Disparity Reduction Allowance. They are not paid out of Defense Estimates and are not eligible for a grant of Special Dispensation dates 4-02-2023.


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Eligibility Criteria for Granting Special  Dispensation


The civil servants /employees if they are in not receipt of Disparity Reduction Allowance. They are paid out of Defense Estimates and are  Eligible for grant of Special Dispensation dates 04-02-2023.

The civil servants /employees are receiving  Disparity Reduction Allowance (DRA). They are not paid out of Defense Estimates and are not eligible for a grant of Special Dispensation.


Up-Gradation of Posts of Upper and Lower Division Clerk


The official memorandum also clarifies that the posts of LDC and UDC special dispensation are upgraded. As they fall under BPS-01 to BPS-16.  This is generally for all Ministries/Divisions/Departments of the Federal Government whether they are drawing Disparity Reduction Allowance (DRA) or not. Especially if they are drawing from Defense Estimates.

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Summary /Closing Words

From the above discussion, it is clarified that all Defence Paid employees, although they are getting Disparity Reduction Allowance 2022 and 2023, are not eligible for a special dispensation of the grant of higher pay scale pay fixation because they are defence paid employees.

                However, all UDC and LDC will have now get the upgradation to BPS-13 and BPS-13 respectively who are also defence-paid employees.


Notification Special Dispensation Clarification May 2023 for Defence Paid Employees

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