Summer Vacations 2023 in KPK Schools News Updates

I am sharing here the Summer Vacations 2023 KPK News Updates for schools in the province. According to the newspaper, the schools in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa will observe summer holidays with effect from 1st June 2023. In plain areas, primary schools the summer holidays are from 1st June while in other schools the holidays are from 15th June 2023.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Summer Vacations 2023 in KPK Schools News Updates


The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Government, Education Department decides the summer Vacation schedule.  According to the decision, summer Vacations shall start from the mid of June and continues till August. Further details are available here.


Summer Vacations 2023 in KPK Schools News Updates


Summer Holidays in KPK in Plain Regions


The temperature rises to its peak in the month of June, July, and August. The schools all over Pakistan remain closed. The step is taken each year to save children from becoming prey to heat waves. The temperature is rising day by day, as the month of June is approaching. Different Educational Departments are sharing their summer Vacation schedule. Meanwhile,  the Education Department of KPK also decides the schedule for closing the educational institutions in KPK during the summer.


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Summer Vacation Schedule for Primary Schools in KPK


According to the decision, the summer Vacation in Primary school shall start on June 1st, 2023. The schools in KPK shall remain closed until August 31st, 2023.


See also  Notification of Schedule of Winter Vacations 2021 (Long & Short) Balochistan

Summer Vacation Schedule for Middle to Higher Secondary Schools of KPK


The summer vacation in Middle,  High, and Higher Secondary schools shall start on 15th June 2023. The Vacation will continue till 31st August 2023 in the mentioned schools.

Summer Vacation 2023 in Cold Regions of KPK


The summer Vacations in all schools of KPK,  cold regions,  will start from 1st July 2023. The schools shall remain closed till 31st August 2023.


Summer Holidays in Punjab Schools


The Sindh Government has already issued the Notification of Summer Vacation (Holidays) 2023 in Sindh for schools. However, the Punjab Government has not yet issued the Final orders for the summer holidays of 2023. There is news that there is a plan to close the Government and Private Schools in Punjab wef 6th June 2023 instead of 1st June.



School Holidays in Punjab News

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3 thoughts on “Summer Vacations 2023 in KPK Schools News Updates

  1. محمد ادریس · Edit

    Kpk میں گرمیوں کی چھٹیوں کے بارے میں خبر اور نو ٹیفکیشن شائع کرکے جھوٹ نشر کیا ہے دوسری کہ اردو نوٹیفکیشن میں کتنے غلطیاں کی ہیں ۔اس نوٹیفکیشن کے بارے میں محکمہ تعلیم سے رابطہ کیا تواس نے اس سے انکار کیا ۔جھوٹ نشر کرتے ہو اس قوم کو آپ کیا تربیت دے رہے ہو ۔


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