Army Public School (APS) Defence Complex Islamabad Vacancies 2023

There are available for various subject teachers Army Public School (APS) Defence Complex Islamabad Vacancies 2023. The APS  Defense Complex Islamabad (DCI) announces teaching jobs. Institutions need the services of qualified, punctual, and professional candidates. The school has the best teaching faculty members. All Pakistani Nationals having relevant experience and qualifications can apply.


Teaching and Non-Teaching Army Public School (APS) Defence Complex Islamabad Vacancies 2023


APS Defence Complex is one of the best federal education institutions in Islamabad. Its teaching faculty is so admirable in the expertise of their subjects. Administration Wing is also serving in the best way. Therefore, the applicants must check the eligibility criteria before applying. As they must meet the standard of the School teaching Faculty.


List of vacancies in APS DCI Islamabad


APS Defence needs expert teachers in the following subjects:


  1. English
  2. Physics
  3. Urdu
  4. Computer
  5. Geography
  6. Islamiyat
  7. Pak-Studies
  8. Maths
  9. Emotional Career Counselor


Detail of Teaching Vacancies

Sr.No Wing/Level Subjects Name of Post Qualification
1. Senior Wing 1.       English

2.       Physics








M.A/M.Sc/M.Phill/MS in relevant subject

2. Middle Wing 1.       Urdu

2.       Computer

3.       Geography

4.       English

5.       Maths

3. O-Leval 1.       English

2.       Islamiyat

3.       Pak-Studies

4.       Mathematics

Detail of Non-Teaching Vacancies


Sr.No Name of Post Qualification
1. Emotional/Career Counselor M.Sc Psychology


Army Public School (APS) Defence Complex Islamabad Vacancies 2023


There are also career opportunities in Islamabad as there are available Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) Vacancies 2023 for Pakistani citizens.


Eligibility Criteria


  1. Candidates must have teaching experience of a minimum of 3 years to apply for teaching and non-teaching vacancies.
  2. Candidate must have full command of the subject.
  3. Candidate must have HEC recognized degree in a relevant subject.
  4. Completely filled applications are acceptable.
  5. The age limit for candidates is 22-45 years.


Method to Apply


Willing candidates can apply online. They can also send their CVs to the Principal of the Army Public School Defence Complex Islamabad.


General Terms and Conditions


  1. After Verifications and Observing CVs only shortlisted candidates will be called for the interview. School is not bound to pa TA/DA for the interview.
  2. Candidate must bring original documents at the time of the interview.


Last Date to Apply


Enthusiastic and interested candidates can apply till 1st June 2023.

See also  Latest Non-Teaching Vacancies in Kohat University of Science and Technology

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One thought on “Army Public School (APS) Defence Complex Islamabad Vacancies 2023

  1. Army public schools first collect C.V from candidates.Then arrange a subject test for Matric,F.SC,O,A levels.Then call the candidates for subject demo and finally then for interviews.It consumes 3 precious days of the schools from where teachers come and for selection.But for a potential candidate who ends up for final selection in the interview is never offered a market competitive salary specially for O/A levels stream.So I request the authorities to take a demo lesson and complete the selection process on a single day and please keep into your kind consideration the current inflation rate and critical economic situation which teachers are facing.


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