Guidance / Advice Regarding Promotion PST as EST (Science)

Government of the Punjab, School Education Department issued a Notification on 23-05-2023 in connection with the request for Guidance / Advice Regarding the Promotion of PST as EST (Science). The details are as under:

Guidance / Advice Regarding Promotion PST as EST (Science)


Government of the Punjab School Education Department issues notification regarding the provision of comprehensive guidelines for the promotion of PSTs to ESTs. The notification is issued to the Secretary Regulation Wing S&GA Department Government of Punjab Lahore. The main subject of the notification is to make a request for guidelines and pieces of advice. Guidelines and advice are needed regarding the promotion of the post of Primary School Teachers (PSTs) as Elementary School Teachers (ESTs).


Eligibility Criteria for the Promotion of Primary School Teacher to Elementary School Teacher (Science)


The section officer is directed to refer to the subject above in order to request guidelines and advice regarding some observations made during the Departmental Promotion Committee. Departmental Promotional Committee held a meeting in concern with the promotion of Primary School Teachers to Elementary School Teachers.

Authority is facing problems in providing promotion to teachers having different combinations of subjects in bachelor’s degree.  He further requests to provide the guidelines in order to solve the problem to set the eligibility criteria of PSTs for promotion.

He also asks to enlighten the subject combination of the PST is in bachelor’s degree which is fit for Promotion.

Selected teachers will get promotions on the basis of the suitable combination of subjects in their bachelor’s degree.

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Observations of CEO (DEA) Sahiwal Regarding the promotion of PSTs to ESTs (Science)


Basically, the Government of Punjab School Education Department has made a set of rules. These rules define the promotion criteria of teachers in the Education Department.  According to the Promotion Policy, all the teachers who fulfill the eligibility criteria and are fit for promotion will be promoted according to the rules. The promotion policy also provides guidelines about why and how any teacher is eligible for promotion. But still, the CEO (DEA) Sahiwal has raised several observations by keeping in view the issues of teachers. The major observation is the subject combination in Bachelors degree.


Guidance / Advice Regarding Promotion PST as EST (Science)


Major Points that Need Guidelines and Advice for the Promotion of PSTs to ESTs


Chief Executive Officer School Education Department Sahiwal wants to complete the process of promotion of PST ESTs smoothly. But, CEO(DEA)  Sahiwal observes several points and requests advice on the following main points. He wants to ask for guidelines regarding the following subject combinations.


  1. BSc with a Combination of Physics Chemistry and Math


After keen observation of significant points, the CEO requested advice. Advice regarding the eligibility of PSTs with Different subject combinations in B.Sc. The applicants who have a B.Sc with Physics Chemistry and Math are eligible for the promotion as PST or not. The advice and guidelines will be provided according to the promotion policy 2014 Punjab government.


  1. Sc with the Combination of Zoology Botany And Geography


The authority also requests guidelines for the applicants having a BSc with a combination of Zoology, Botany, and Geography.  He asks whether the teachers with this combination are eligible for the promotion as ESTs or not.

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  1. Sc With a Combination of Chemistry Zoology and Geography


The authority also asks for guidelines and pieces of advice for the promotion of PSTs. He asks whether applicants who have a B.Sc with a combination of Chemistry, Zoology, and Geography are eligible for the promotion to EST or not.


Proceeding the Process of Promotion


The section officer also requests the secretary regulation wing S NGA department.  the significant point of the request is to provide better and best guidelines and advice in the matter of promotion. Guidelines and advice are significantly needed to proceed with the process of promotion of PSTs to ESTs. The guidelines and pieces of advice must be provided according to the government for motion policy 2014.

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