Notification Summer Vacation 2023 Punjab Schools (Public and Private)

Government of the Punjab School Education Department issued a Notification on 24-05-2023 in connection with Summer Vacation 2023 Punjab Schools. All  Government and Private Schools in Punjab will observe summer holidays 2023 with effect from 6th June 2023 to 20th August 2023. The details are as under:

Summer Vacation (Holidays) 2023 Punjab Schools


The government of Punjab school education department Recently announces the schedule of summer vacations 2023. for this year school education department announces summer vacations of two months and 14 days. The summer vacations will start on six June 2023 and end on 20th August 2023. Schools will reopen on the 21st of August 202.  From 21st August all public and private schools will continue their educational activities. The government of Punjab also orders the competent authorities to ensure that all public and private schools must follow the schedule of summer vacations.


SED Announces Summer Holidays 2023


 The School Education Department of Punjab finally announces the summer vacation schedule for the year 2023.  According to the local media, all the students in Punjab either from public or private schools will have a summer vacations break of two months and 14 days.

Previously all the public and private schools expects that government will start the summer vacations on the 1st  of June.  But instead of this, Government announces that the summer vacations will start from the 6th of June 2023.

All the competent authorities of the school education department made the final decision. They took the decision in their meeting about the commencement of summer vacations 2023.

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Alarming Heat Waves and Rise in the Temperature During Summer Season


It is the start of the summer season and the temperature is rising day by day.  According to the weather forecast, there will be a consistent rise in the temperature during the months of June, July, and August. There will be alarming heats waves in the upcoming two months.  Therefore, the school education department decided to give a break to all the students. Not even students but also teachers and parents are also waiting for the summer break. It is to mention here that Sindh Government has also already notified Summer Holidays 2023 in Sindh Schools for all types of schools public and private.


Schedule of Summer Vacations Holidays 2023 in Punjab



Start of Summer Vacations 203 End of Summer Vacations 2023 The school will reopen on
06th June 2023 (Tuesday) 20th August, 203 (Sunday) 21st August 2023 (Monday)

Notification Summer Vacation 2023 Punjab Schools (Public and Private)

Closing of All Public and Private Schools during Summer Vacations


The announcement of the summer vacation 2003 is for all public and private schools in the whole Punjab province.  During this summer break of 2.5 months, all public and private schools remain closed.

There will be no instructional and educational activities Performed during these summer vacations.  Only administrative staff will Perform their duties according to their summer vacation schedule. The schedule for Khyber Pakhtunkhah is not yet final however there is news of Summer Vacations 2023 in KPK School that have different dates for different types of schools.

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Summer Vacation Homework and Summer Camps


All the public and private teachers will give proper summer vacation homework. Junior sections including class ECCE to one class will receive Summer vacation homework in booklet form. This booklet includes all the activities and worksheets which are important for the students learning. Respective teachers of class Senior classes will receive summer vacation homework in written form.

The government of Punjab’s school education department decides to organize summer camps in the selected districts. Nominated teachers will Continue their instructional and educational activities in the nominated schools for summer camps.  Teachers will receive also remuneration for this.  In order to organize the summer camp successfully government also provides free notebooks and worksheets. The students will receive free education without paying any tuition fees.



Special Thanks: Mr. Ali Khan 

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