Qualification on Initial Appointment Junior Clerk cum Computer Typist and Senior Clerk

Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority, Office of DG (HR) WAPDA House issued an office order on 26-05-2023 in connection Upgradation of Clerks and Required Qualification for the Appointment of Junior Clerk cum Computer Typist and Senior Clerk. The details are as under:


Upgradation of Clerks and Required Qualification for Appointment


Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority approves the Departmental Promotions of BPS-09 and BPS-11. WAPDA Office of DG Khan human resource rules directorate issues an official letter to all the competent authorities about the upgradation of the above-mentioned posts.


Up-gradation of the Post of Junior clerk or Computer typist and Senior Clerk


The Director General of Human Resources and other competent authorities make decisions about the departmental promotions of some posts. The competent authorities decide about promotion or up gradation after discussion in a meeting held on May 9th, 2023. They all approved the upgradation of the post of junior clear the post of Junior Clerk / Computer Typist and Senior Clerk. WAPDA Pakistan approves the promotional upgradation of the following posts:


  1. Junior Clerk cum Computer Typist (BPS-09)
  2. Senior Clerk (BPS-11)



Upgradation of Clerks and Required Qualification for Appointment 


Eligibility Criteria for the Up-Gradation and Departmental Promotions


The department finally decides about the promotion or up-gradation of the above-mentioned post. Their decision is finalized on the basis of verifying the eligibility criteria for up-gradation. The department is upgrading with reference to Minute Circulated vide Secretary WAPDA letter no. S/AD(Coord)03003MTH/1589-90 Dated on 24th May 2023.

See also  Notification of New Nomenclature of IT Teachers KPK


Revised Qualification for the Post of Junior and Senior Clerk


The officials are upgraded according to the revision of qualification.


  1. For the post of Junior Clerk come computer types the existing qualification before up gradation is matric. The revised (eligible) qualification for the current post is Intermediate or I. Com or equivalent qualification for up-gradation or promotion
  2. For the post of Senior Clerk, the existent qualification is intermediate with Science /Computer/ Humanities or Commerce group. The eligible qualification you got up gradation is Bachelor’s Degree in Science/ Arts or an Associate degree.


Sr.No Name of Post Existing Basic Pay Scale Upgraded Pay Scale Existing Qualification  Revised Qualification
1. junior Clerk cum Computer Typist BPS-09 BPS-11 Matric Intermediate or I. Com or equivalent
2. Senior Clerk BPS-11 BPS-13 Intermediate or I. Com or equivalent BA/B.Sc/ B.Com/Associate Degree

Pay scales of incumbents Junior Clerk and Senior s are also enhanced and upgraded as BPS-09 to BPS-11 and from BPS-11 to.BPS-13. However, the qualification of junior clerk come computer typist in Pakistan WAPDS audit service rules 1982. Also, the WAPDA Accounts and Finance service rules 2019 will take it same.

The Services Rules of the above categories of posts will remain changed to the above-mentioned extent.

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