BPS-13 to BPS-19 Regular Teaching Non-Teaching Vacancies Ghazi University DG Khan

I am sharing here the latest Ghazi University DG Khan Teaching Non-Teaching Vacancies 2023 that the Daily Express dated 27 May 2023 announced. These jobs in Ghazi University are from BPS-13 to BPS-19 on a regular basis.


Regular Basis Ghazi University DG Khan Teaching Non-Teaching Vacancies 2023


The Ghazi University Dera Ghazi Khan announces various vacancies for Assistant Professors,  Lecturers, and Non-Teaching staff. The university is hiring experienced and qualified candidates.

Here Are the details about the number of posts and eligibility criteria for each vacancy in the University. All Pakistani nationals having relevant qualifications and professional experience can apply. candidate must check the eligibility criteria and for further details visit the official website of the university.


List of Vacancies of Associate Professors BPS-19


  1. Agricultural Engineering and Technology
  2. Food Sciences
  3. Agronomy
  4. Soil and Environmental Sciences
  5. Horticulture
  6. Plant Breeding and Genetics
  7. Plant Protection and Plant Pathology/Plant Entomology
  8. English
  9. Islamiyat
  10. Urdu
  11. History
  12. Saraiki
  13. Political Sciences
  14. Balochi
  15. Pakistan Studies
  16. Mass Communication
  17. Management Sciences
  18. Economics
  19. Education
  20. Chemistry
  21. Computer Science
  22. Math
  23. Physics
  24. Statistics
  25. Zoology
  26. Biotechnology
  27. Microbiology
  28. Psychology
  29. Nutrition and Deities
  30. Botany
  31. Sociology


Detail about Posts of Associate Professors


Sr.No Name of Post No.of Posts Qualification
1. Agricultural Engineering and Technology


0 Ph.D. in relevant Subject/field
2. Food Sciences


3. Agronomy 01
4. Soil and Environmental Sciences


5. Horticulture


6. Plant Breeding and Genetics


7. Plant Protection and Plant Pathology/Plant Entomology


8. English 04
9. Islamiyat


10. Political Science 02
11. Urdu 03
12. History


13. Saraiki


14. Political Sciences


15. Balochi


16. Pakistan Studies


17. Mass Communication


18. Management Science 04
19. Economics 02
20. Education 01
21. Sociology 02
22. Botany 02
23. Chemistry 02
24. Computer Science 08
25. Math 03
26. Physics 03
27. Statistics 02
28. Zoology 02
29. Biotechnology 02
30. Psychology 02
31. Nutrition and Dietetics  


List of Lecturers BPS-18



  1. Food Sciences
  2. Agricultural Engineering and Technology
  3. Forestry
  4. Horticulture
  5. Soil and Environmental Sciences
  6. Islamic Studies
  7. Political Sciences
  8. Urdu
  9. Management Sciences
  10. Education
  11. Saraiki
  12. History
  13. Balochi
  14. Psychology
  15. Biotechnology/Molecular Sciences
  16. Sociology
  17. Botany
  18. Chemistry
  19. Computer Sciences
  20. Physics
  21. Statistics
  22. Zoology
  23. English
  24. Economics
  25. Biotechnology
  26. Nutrition and Deities
  27. Pakistan Studies
  28. Microbiology
  29. Mass Communication


Summary of Vacancies


Sr.No Name of Post No.of Posts Qualification
1. Food Sciences







2. Agricultural  Engineering and Technology


3. Forestry


4. Horticulture


5. Soil and Environmental Sciences


6. Islamic Studies


7. Political Sciences


8. Urdu


9. Management Sciences


10. Education


11. Saraiki


12. History


13. Balochi


14. Psychology


15. Biotechnology/Molecular Sciences


16. Sociology


17. Botany


18. Chemistry


19. Computer Science


20. Math 01
21. Physics


22. Statistics


23. Zoology


24. English


25. Economics


26. Biotechnology


27. Nutrition and Deities


28. Pakistan Studies


29. Microbiology


30. Mass Communication





List of Vacancies in the Discipline of Law


  1. Assistant professor
  2. Lecturer


Sr. No Name of Post Basic Pay Scale No.of Posts Qualification
1. Assistant Professor BPS-19 02 Ph.D. in Law
2. Lecturer BPS-18 02 LLB

 Detail About Posts of Assistant Professors BPS-19BPS- and Lecturer BPS-18


Sr. No Name of Post No.of Posts Qualification
1. Assistant Professor of Art and Design 01 Ph.D. Art and Design
2. Lecturer Art and Design 01 BFA or B.Design


List of Non-Teaching  Vacancies


  1. Medical Officer( Male)
  2. Medical Officer (Female)
  3. Senior Computer Operator
  4. Graphic Designer
  5. Sub-Engineer (Civil)
  6. Sub-Engineer (Electrical)
  7. Draftsman


Detail About Non-Technical Posts Gazi University


Sr.No Name of Post Basic Pay Scale No.of Posts Qualification
1. Medical Officer (Male) BPS-17 01 MBBS
2. Medical Officer (Female) BPS-17 01 MBBS
3. Senior Computer Operator BPS-16 01 BS/MCS Computer Science
4. Graphic Designer BPS-14 01 MA Graphic Design
5. Sub-Engineer (Civil) BPS-14 02 DAE Civil Engineering
6. Sub-Engineer (Electrical) BS-14 01 DAE Electrical Engineering
7. Draftsman BPS-13 01 Diploma in Draftsman
General Terms and Conditions


  1. The university reserves the right not to fail to withdraw any advertised post or withhold the appointment against any post.
  2. University can increase or decrease the number of posts for any vacancy.
  3. Government and semi-government servants can apply its Punjab proper channel.
  4. Candidate must send application prescribed format.
  5. All applicants must mention the name of the post applied for at the top of the right corner of the envelope.
  6. Candidates must apply within the due date.  Late and incomplete applications will not be considered.
  7. Candidates must apply online.  application received only by mail or Courier.  by hand, applications will not be accepted.
  8. Candidates will not receive any traveling allowance for the test and interview.


Last Date for Submission of Applications


The last date for submission of applications for all posts is 23rd June 2023.



BPS-13 to BPS-19 Regular Teaching Non-Teaching Vacancies Ghazi University DG Khan





See also  Latest Vacancies in Finance Department Sindh Aug 2023

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