Government Vacancies in Armed Forces Post Graduate Medical Institute Rawalpindi (AFPGMI)

I am sharing here the Government Vacancies in Armed Forces Post Graduate Medical Institute Rawalpindi (AFPGMI) for various posts.  These jobs are from BPS-01 to BPS-07.


Government Vacancies in AFPGMI


Commandant AFPGMI announces various employment opportunities. Institute is hiring male and female candidates having expertise in relevant fields. For the best services department needs professional candidates. Candidates will be recruited on a contract basis. All Pakistani Nationals having domicile in their respective province can apply.


New Non-Technical Jobd in AFPGMI


Armed Forces Post Graduate Medical Institute is hiring the best-experienced candidate for non- Technical seats. AFPGMI needs experienced and professional candidates who can serve the Institute in the best way. Here we can check no.of posts and the Qualifications required for each post.


List of Vacancies


  1. Laboratory Assistant
  2. Laboratory Attendant
  3. Waiter
  4. Chowkidaar
  5. Lady Servant


Detail About No.of Posts


Sr.No Name of Post Basic Pay Scale No.of Seats Qualification
1. Laboratory Assistant BPS-07 01 Matric Pass
2. Laboratory Attendant BPS-05 01 Matric Pass

With Science

3. Waiter BPS-01 01 Primary


4. Chowkidaar BPS-01 01 Primary
5. Lady Servant BPS-0 Primary


Government Vacancies in Armed Forces Post Graduate Medical Institute Rawalpindi (AFPGMI)



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Method to Apply


Candidate must fill the application completely with correct information. In case of fake or incorrect information institute will reject the application.

Candidate must Attach all required documents and a Bank Deposit Draft of Rs.50/- with the application. After making the complete file candidate must courier it to “AFPGMI”.


Required Documents


  1. CNIC
  2. Domicile
  3. Academic Documents or Degrees
  4. Academic Certificates /Additional Qualification Certificates
  5. Professional Certificates or Experience Letters
  6. Recent Passport Size Photo Graph
  7. Bank draft Rs.500/-.(For Each Post)


General Terms and Conditions


  1. Candidates can apply for More than one post. He must apply with a separate application and Deposit draft of Rs.500/- for each post.
  2. Age relaxation is also provided for up to 05-years.
  3. The department provides equal opportunities to male and female candidates.
  4. After verification of documents only shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview. The department will not pay any TA/DA for the interview.
  5. Government and Semi-Government candidates can apply through the proper channel to have a chance of pay protection and counting of previous service.
  6. Candidates must apply before the due date. (within 15-Days after advertisement)
  7. Late and incomplete applications will be rejected.
  8. Selected candidates must serve AFPGMI for at least one year. (Probation period)
  9. Only Medically Fit candidates will be selected. For this institute will conduct Medical Tests.
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