Notification Promotion Junior Clerks (BPS-11) to Senior Clerks (BPS-14) KPK

The Directorate of Higher Education Khyber Pakhtunkhwa issued a Notification on 29-05-2023 in connection with the Promotion of Junior Clerks (BPS-11) to Senior Clerks (BPS-14) KPK. The details are as under:


Promotion Junior Clerks (BPS-11) to Senior Clerks (BPS-14) KPK Higher Education

Directorate of Higher Education Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Issues a comprehensive list of all the Junior Clerks who are promoted to the post of Senior Clerk. Competed authority released a list of 42 junior clerks who are fit for promotion and fulfills the eligibility criteria for the promotion.


Notification Promotion Junior Clerks (BPS-11) to Senior Clerks (BPS-14) KPK


Notification Promotion Junior Clerks (BPS-11) to Senior Clerks (BPS-14) KPK HED


Notification Promotion Junior Clerks (BPS-11) to Senior Clerks (BPS-14) KPK Higher Education


Agenda of the Meeting


Departmental Promotions Committee recommended the competent authority Director of Higher Education to organize its meeting on 10th May 2023.  The basic agenda of the meeting is to discuss and give suggestions on the promotion case of Junior Clerks to the post of Senior Clerk.  After discussion, all the participants unanimously approved the promotion of 42 eligible candidates who are fit for promotion. These all promotions are provided on a regular basis and to the post them in the colleges as per the needs of the department.


Eligibility Criteria for the Promotion of BPS-11 to BPS-14


Director Higher Education and Departmental Promotion Committee discuss the promotion case of junior clerks BPS-11 to the post office Senior clerks BPS-14 in the meeting. They all make sure that the selected candidates must meet the eligibility criteria for promotion.  The departmental Promotion Committee must check the criteria and rules of the promotion policy of the government.

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 The committee also checks the following criteria for all the workers who are working on the post of Junior Clerks.


  1. They must enhance their qualification
  2. They must have completed the required duration of working on their current post.


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No.of the Candidates  Got a Promotion


Out of 42 candidates, 40 male and only two female candidates are fit for promotion.  they all fulfill the eligibility criteria for the promotion. After verification and checking the eligibility criteria Departmental Promotion Committee decides on the promotion of the following employees.


Sr.No. Name of Current Post/Basic Pay Scale Basic Pay Scale No.of candidates Promoted Promoted Post Up Graded Scale
1. Junior Clerk BPS-11 42


Senior Clerk BPS-14

Promotion JC to SC

Postings/ Adjustments of Senior and Junior Clerks BPS-11 and BPS-14


Other than promotions almost 07 Senior and 09 Junior Clerks are adjusted in different colleges.

According to the departmental promotion committee almost 42 employees currently working on the post of Junior Clerks are promoted. After promotion, all the workers will receive a small percentage of increase in their salary according to the Upgraded scale. after promotion, their basic scale also upgraded from BPS-12 to BPS-14. These all employees are posted or adjusted in institutions according to the need of the department. Total of 16 employees adjusted according to the need of the department. 01 female and 15 male candidates were selected for adjustments in different colleges.


Sr.No Name of Current Post No.of Candidates Adjusted
1. Junior Clerk 08
2. Senior Clerk 08

The competent authority also recommended posting all the promoted clerks in the colleges mentioned in the list with immediate effect in the best public interest. Initially, these all workers will work on a probation period of 1 year.

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