Notification Allotment of New Head of Account in the Chart of Accounts

Government of the Punjab, Finance Department (Budget Wing) issued a Notification on 30-05-2023 in connection with the Allotment of a New Head of Account in the Chart of Accounts “ E-Challan for Punjab Highway Patrol”.


Allotment of New Head of Account in the Chart of Accounts


The Government of the Punjab Finance Department issues a special letter to all the competent authorities. The main subject of the letter is the allotment of the new head of accounts in the chart of accounts for Federal /Provincial Government receipts disbursement.


Correction Slip Number 605/Introducing New Object Code Entity Code


Deputy Secretary Budget Finance Department Punjab issues a letter to Reproduce the Correction Slip #605 introducing new object code entity code in the chart of accounts CoA.

Controller General of Accounts Islamabad for information issued this to the Provincial Government Federal Government and District Governments.


Allotment of New Head of Account in the Chart of Accounts


Relevant Entities for Allotment of New Head of Account in the Chart of Accounts


The letter is for the Chairman of the Planning and Development Board Punjab/ all Secretaries and Members of an of Revenue and other competent authorities.

All the above authorities are informed about the C-non-tax revenue and the other income earned by the government from sources other than taxes. Also, these authorities are informed about appointing the new head of accounts in the chart of accounts for the federal and provincial governments.


As for all the Receipts and Disbursements of the Federal and Provincial Government, the new head of accounts will take all the responsibilities for its management.  All the members of the Board of Revenue Chairman Planning and Development Board and secretaries of all relevant departments are informed about the allotment of the new head of accounts in the chart of accounts.

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C-Non-Tax Revenue


Here is the Correction Slip 605 as C- Non-Tax Revenue earnings:


  1. Receipts From the Civil Administration and other functions
  2. The Receipts from the Law and Order
  3. All the Challans for Punjab Highway Patrol


Major Object C02 Receipt from Civil Administration and Other Functions
Minor Object C026 Law and Order Receipt
Detailed Object (New) C02696 E-Challan for Punjab Highway Patrol

Finance Department introduces new Object Codes and Entity Codes in the chart of accounts.

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