Notification of Equivalence Degrees MA Education, M.Ed and BS Education SED

Government of the Punjab, School Education Department issued a Notification on 16-05-2023 in connection with Equivalence Degrees MA Education, M.Ed and BS Education to B.Ed (4 years), B.Ed (Hons), BS. Ed (4 years degree), B.Ed 2.5 years (after fourteen years qualification), and B.Ed 1.5 years (after sixteen years qualification). The said equivalence of Education degrees is for the purpose of new recruitment as well as for the promotion of teachers. The details are as under:


Equivalence Degrees MA Education, M.Ed, and BS Education



The Qualification equivalence determination committee held its meeting on 16th May 2023.  the main agenda of the meeting is to make recommendations about the equivalency of a Master in Education degree to other professional degrees. After discussion, it is noted that MA Education is the equivalent degree to these professional degrees.

Current Degree Equivalent Degree
1.       MA Education

2.       M.Ed

3.       BS Education

1.       B. Ed (5-Years)

2.       B.Ed (Hons)

3.       B.Ed 2.5 Years After Graduation  (14-Years Education)

4.       B.Ed 1.5 Years after Master’s Degree (16-years Education)

Importance of Bachelor’s and Master’s Professional Degrees in Recruitment &Promotion

Secretary School Education issues a letter to all competent authorities about the notification regarding the equivalence of MA Education/M.Ed/BS Education Degrees to other professional degrees.  According to the letter, these all degrees are equivalent to each other. As per the notification, the decision is important for the purpose of recruitment and for promotion of teachers. The qualification experience determination committee decides that all these disciplines are professional as well as academic.

Many of the teachers acquired their professional degrees in education after 14 years or 16 years of their education.  To remove the distinction or discrimination between all these professional degrees the committee made a good decision.  It resolves the confusion among all the teachers who acquired their professional degrees after different degree programs. This will also help to get the equivalence degree certificate which will help in the promotions and recruitment of teaching staff members.

Implementation of the New Decision of QEDC

As the Qualification Equivalence Determination Committee determines the Equivalence Degrees of the M.A (Education), M.Ed, and BS (Education), Education Department finalizes the decision. So, the decision has been enforced immediately. Hence, the further recruitment and Promotions of Teachers in the School Education Department,  Punjab will base on this decision. The department will measure the Qualification (in Education Subjects) of Teachers on the mentioned equivalence scale.




Notification of Equivalence Degrees MA Education, M.Ed and BS Education


The Higher Education Commission has already issued the Notification of Equivalance MA Education as M.Ed for various purposes.






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