Notification of Summer Vacation 2023 Higher Education Department AJK

Azad Jammu & Kashmir Government HED issued a Notification on 07-06-2023 in connection with Summer Vacation 2023 Higher Education Department AJK. The details are as under:

Summer Vacation 2023 Higher Education Department AJK


Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK) Government recently announces the schedule for Summer Vacation. All Government and Private summer institutions within AJK shall remain closed due to Summer Vacation. Here are the details.


Summer Holidays in All Public & Public Educational Institutions


The government of Azad Jammu & Kashmir is closing all Summer Institutions in AJK. All summer schools and colleges in Azad Jammu & Kashmir shall get closed as summer Vacation begins in the summer zone of Azad & Jammu Kashmir. Here is the schedule for Summer Vacation in AJK.


Closing of  Institutions Opening of Institutions
12th June 2023 13th August 2023

Notification of Summer Vacation 2023 Higher Education Department AJK


As per schedule, all public & private institutions shall remain closed from 12th June 2023 to 13th August 2023.


Educational Institutions Open During Summer Vacation


According to the order of Azad & Jammu Kashmir, the Higher Education Department, the institutions which offer 4 years (BS/AD) degree programs, shall remain open. Such Institutions shall not bear summer Vacation for this duration. Furthermore, all the winter institutions in AJK shall also remain open. The Winter Educational Institutions shall only face the winter vacation as per the regular schedule.


Celebration of Independence Day (14th August)


The Higher Education Department,  AJK will conduct programs regarding Independently Day (14th August). The higher Education Department will conduct the ceremonies on 14th August in all schools and colleges which fall under HED, AJK.


Summer Vacation in Pakistan


Summer Vacation begins usually in June around the country as the months of June & July are very hot. The summer vacation in Punjab and Sindh has already begun. School Education Department Punjab issued the Notification of Summer Holidays 2023 in Punjab a few weeks ago. As per the schedule of summer Vacation in Punjab, the schools shall remain closed from 6th June 2023 to 20th June 2023. Whereas, the Summer Vacation in Sindh started on 1st June 2023. They shall end on 31st July 2023.

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