Increase in Salary Chart Budget 2023-24 Federal Government Employees

I am sharing here the Increase in Salary Chart Budget 2023-24 for Federal Government Employees. There is a reasonable increase in salary as per Budget Speech Copy 2023-2024. The Federal Government announced 35% Adhoc Relief Allowance 2023 for BPS-01 to BPS-16 and for BPS-17 & Above the said rate is 30% of the running basic pay.


With 30% and 35% Increase in Salary Chart Budget 2023-24 Federal


The Federal government granted a reasonable package to government employees in the Budget 2023-23. There was different news about the enhancement of pay and allowances in the budget. There was news that Government will increase salaries by 20%, 30%, and 15%. However keeping in view the financial issues, the government announced a 30% / 35% enhancement in the salaries of the employees.


Chart of Adhoc Relief Allowance Budget 2023-24


As expected, the Ministry of Finance announces the budget for 2023-2024.  on the consistent request and demand of all the government employees finance department announces a piece of good news for all employees. All government employees in-service or retired request the government to increase their Adhoc Relief Allowance 2023.

All government employees will receive this increase in allowance according to their running stages after regularization.


Who will receive an increase in Adhoc Relief of 30% 0r 35%


The current increase is applicable to the government’s servants Only.


Sr.No Basic Pay Scale Increase in Adhoc Relief Allowance
1. BPS-01 to BPS-16 35% increase
2. BPS-17 to BPS-22 30% increase
See also  Increase in Salary Calculator 2022-23 Sindh (Including Abolishing Allowances)

All the officers of autonomous, and semi-autonomous bodies and corporations also the servants from public sector corporations have adopted different page scales and announcements so they will not avail of this increase in allowance. The finance division committee recommends granting Adhoc Relief Allowances to all the above-mentioned employees. After the announcement of an increase in this allowance w.e.f 1st July 2023.


Detail About the Percentage Increase and Their Adhoc Relief 2023


According to the finance minister, there is a special increase in Adhoc Relief Allowance.  According to the budget 2023-2024, there is a 35% increase in Adhoc Relief 2023 in BPS-01 to BPS-16 employees.



Increase in Salary Chart Budget 2023-24



Table of Minimum and Maximum ARA-2023 Increased



Grant of Adhoc Relief Allowance Chart as per Budget Speech 2023-24
BPS Min Inc Max Inc Ave Inc
BPS-01 4743 9258 7000
BPS-02 4837 9982 7410
BPS-03 4991 11081 8036
BPS-04 5142 12072 8607
BPS-05 5331 13206 9268
BPS-06 5516 14336 9926
BPS-07 5709 15264 10486
BPS-08 5912 16412 11162
BPS-09 6115 17560 11837
BPS-10 6318 18813 12565
BPS-11 6528 20283 13405
BPS-12 6920 21935 14427
BPS-13 7406 23786 15596
BPS-14 7886 26156 17021
BPS-15 8372 29162 18767
BPS-16 9825 33555 21690
BPS-17 13521 34041 23781
BPS-18 17064 42624 29844
BPS-19 26352 53532 39942
BPS-20 30741 58839 44790
BPS-21 34137 65301 49719
BPS-22 36657 73239 54948



Adhoc Relief Allowance Chart Federal Employees 2023


An increase in Adhoc relief for 35% is a Good Package for all Government Employees of BPS-01 to BPS-22


The budget 2023 of the Federal Government Finance Department presents a good package for all government employees. There is a 35% increase in Adhoc Relief Allowance for all government employees of BPS-01 to BPS-16. All the Government servants of BPS-17 to BPS-22 will receive a 30% increase in Adhoc Relief Allowance. The increase in salaries will help to make their monthly expense planning. The Adhoc Relief Allowance will be added to Running basic pay 2023. It will assist to meet their living expenses up to their expectations to run their households.

See also  Notification of Revised Project Allowance 2017 Sindh

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31 thoughts on “Increase in Salary Chart Budget 2023-24 Federal Government Employees

  1. Sir please tell me the total pay with all allowances of physical instructors in ministry of defence bs 16 and do they give us hospital or home facility and schooling for our kids with pay??

  2. Dear Can you tell me that if a person gets appointed on regular basis in Punjab govt on BPS 09, in sep than what will be his starting salary in punjab.

  3. Dear Galaxy World

    Can you pl share the Pension Chart in the light of Budget 2023-24

    Thankx pl

    M Azhar
    +92 322 2279939

  4. Aoa,
    A news is circulating that pension will be calculated according to the initial basic not the pension he is getting when he retired. Also some benefits are reduced.
    Is this true? Please shed some light on it.

  5. پینشنئیرز کے ساتھ اچھا سلوک نہیں کیا گیا ہے۔ ایک تو پینشن ہوتی بہت کم ریگولر ایمپلائز کی نسبت اور ساتھ کوئی اضافی الائنس بھی نہیں ہوتا۔ دوسرا بڑھاپے میں ذمہ داریاں اور بیماریاں بھی گھیر لیتی ہیں۔ اس کے علاوہ ریٹائرڈ ملازمین کوئی دوسرا کام بھی نہیں کر سکتے تاکہ بچوں اور گھر کی ضروریات پوری کرسکے۔ اس لئے درخواست ہے کہ پینشنئیرز کی پینشن بھی 30 فیصد بڑھائی جائے۔

  6. It is a drama of 30 % and 35 %, all the increases in allowances are for above 17 grade. If we compare there is 50 % increase for above 17 grade

  7. Assalam o Alaikum

    Is the adhoc relief allowance of 35 and 30 percent announced in budget speech 2023-24, on running basic or initial basic? like last year they gave 15% adhoc relief allowance on initial basic of 2017!

  8. Assalam o Alaikum
    Is the adhoc relief allowance announced in budget direct 2023-24 on running basic or initial basic? like last year they gave 15% adhoc relief allowance on initial basic of 2017!

    1. Last year b 15 percent adhoc relief allowance running basic pay (2022) par hi hova tha aur yeh allowance hamesha current running basic pay par hi hota ha.

  9. Aoa,
    As ishaq dar taking about daily allowance ( mileage allowance) is this the same as employees of ministry of defence getting 20 DAs in their each pay or is it different?


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