Notification Grant of Executive Allowance 2023 @ 1.5 Times of Monthly Basic Pay

Government of the Punjab, Finance Department issued a Notification on 14-06-2023 in connection with the Grant of Executive Allowance 2023 @ 1.5 Times of Monthly Basic Pay to the specific cadre officers of Punjab. The details are as under:


Grant of Executive Allowance 2023 @ 1.5 Times of Monthly Basic Pay

The Government of the Punjab Finance Department issues notifications regarding the grant of Executive Allowances.  All the officers of cadre strength S&GAD like PAS/PMS or eligible to get this allowance. The allowance is given every irrespective of the posting against Cadre posts or otherwise.



Notification of Grant of Executive Allowance 2023 @ 1.5 Times of Monthly Basic Pay

EA for the Deputation and Technical Quota Officers


According to the finance department government of Punjab, the executive allowance is also for the officers on deputation and technical quota from federal or provincial governments. But these officers will receive the executive allowance after the approval of the cabinet on a case-to-case basis.


When will the Executive Allowance Apply?


All the officers according to the finance department would receive this allowance from 24th April 2023.

 The amount of the allowance will be added to the monthly Salary from the respective date mentioned in the notification.


Percentage of the Allowance


According to the government of Punjab finance department, all the respective officers will receive Executive Allowance @ 1.5 times of the monthly basic pay.


Conditions for the Admissibility of the Allowance


The finance department said that their respective officers will receive executive allowance on the basis of the following conditions:

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  1. The executive allowance is admissible during the entire period of OSD waiting for posting with the effect of 20th April 2023. All the remaining conditions mentioned in the notification will remain the same.
  2. The executive Allowance is only admissible to the officers who are not on extraordinary leave or on leaves beyond 90 days.
  3. This Allowance is also for regular employees. All those candidates employed on a contract basis and MP scales are not eligible to receive this allowance.
  4. All the officers who are opted for incentive allowance rather than executive allowance in terms of all finance department policies are eligible to entitle to executive allowance.


Who Is Not Eligible for The Grant of Executive Allowance


  1. All the contract employees and MP scales officers are not allowed to receive this allowance.
  2. The allowance will not be counted toward the pension and commutation gratuity.
  3. All those officers who are on extraordinary leave or on earned leaves beyond 90 days will not receive this allowance.

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