Army Public School and College System Okara Cant Teaching and Non-Teaching New Vacancies

There are available Army Public School and College System (APSCS) Okara Cant Teaching and Non-Teaching New Vacancies. These APSC jobs are for science, art school teachers, and lecturers. The Army Public School and College System Okara Cantt is hiring qualified, Experienced, and Passionate candidates for Educational Instructional Staff.


APSCS Okara Cant Teaching and Non-Teaching Vacancies 2023



Sr.No Staff Section Qualification
1. Teacher

1.       Urdu

2.       Science

3.       Fine Arts

Middle M.Sc/BS.Hons

1. Physics

2. Chemistry

3. Urdu

4. Fine Arts

2. Teacher High Section M.Sc/M.A in respective Subjects
3. Lecturer

1.       Urdu

2.       Math

3.       Chemistry



M.Sc /BS Hons

Non-Instructional Posts


Sr.No Post Qualification
1. Administration Officer

(Retired Army Officer can also apply)


APSCS Okara Cant Teaching and Non-Teaching Vacancies 2023



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Procedure to Apply


Candidates must make a complete file of all required documents along with a CV. Then send it to the given Address of APSACS Senior Campus and Junior Campus.


Mandatory Documents/Information


  1. Complete CV
  2. 02-Passport Size Photographs
  3. Academic Certificates/Degrees
  4. CNIC
  5. Active Phone Numbers


Attractive Salary Packages for Teaching Staff


After Selection, successful candidates will receive Attractive salary packages depending on their qualifications and skills.


Benefits and Perks


Selected candidates will receive:



Free Medical and Garrison’s Facilities


Eligibility Criteria


  1. Candidates must have desired Qualifications relevant to the post.
  2. Candidates must have specific experience related to the post.
  3. Candidates must be Pakistani Nationals.


Last Date to Apply


Candidates must apply by 10th July 2023


Only shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview. Applicants will not get any TA/DA.


For more opportunities: FWO Jobs June 2023

See also  Online Registration to Join Pakistan Navy December 2023

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