New Vacancies in the Office of District and Session Judge Karachi East

 New Vacancies in the Office of District and Session Judge Karachi East are available in the District Courts. The District and sessions judge Karachi is accepting applications of suitable candidates for the latest announced jobs.


The Latest Vacancies in the Office of District and Session Judge Karachi East


Sr.No Name of Post Basic Pay Scale Qualification
1. Stenographer BPS-16 Intermediate

Typing Speed 149/wpm

2. Junior Clerk BPS-11 Intermediate

Typing Speed 149/wpm

3. Driver BPS-07 Matric

Possess Driving License

4. Bailiff BPS-05 Matric
5. Frash BPS-03 Middle
6. Chowkidaar BPS-03 Middle Pass
7. Lift Operator BPS-02 Middle
8. Mali BPS-02 Middle


List of Available Vacant Positions

All those candidates who meet the requirements of any post can apply for the following posts:


1.       Maali 5. Driver
2.       Lift Operate 6. Frash
3.       Chowkidaar 7. Junior Clerk
4.       Baillif 8. Stenographer

Procedure to Submit Application


  1. The department will call only shortlisted candidates without paying any traveling allowance for the test and interview.
  2. in committee will make a final decision about the recruitment of any candidate for any post.
  1. In-service government employees can also apply by submitting a NOC from their respective departments.
  2. The competent authority will reject all those applications which will receive after the due date.
  3. candidates must check the official working hours in order to submit applications.


The Last date to submit an application


Candidates can send their applications by 8th July 2023 within official working hours.


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New Vacancies in the Office of District and Session Judge Karachi East

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