Universal Service Fund (USF) New Job Opportunities 2023

There are available Latest Vacancies in USF Pakistan (The Universal Service Fund). The Universal Service Fund is providing new employment opportunities to all dynamic professionals. All Pakistani nationals who have diversity integrity and innovation in their professional skills and are excellent competitors can apply. They have a great opportunity to join the Universal Service Fund professional team to empower the underserved and unserved communities. The mission of USF is to provide high-speed Internet available and affordable for all.


Latest Vacancies in USF Pakistan


Universal service fund is a leading Information Technology and Telecommunication organization in Pakistan.  It is working under Section 42 of the Companies Act 2017.  It is inviting highly motivated professional candidates for the following vacancies.


  1. Admin Associate
  2. GIS Associate
  3. Planning And Evaluation Expert
  4. Artificial Intelligence Associated


Total Number of Seats


USF is hiring qualified candidates for the above posts. It announces 1 vacancy for each post as follows:


Sr.No Name of Post Total Seats
1. Admin Associate 01
2. GIS Associate 01
3. Planning And Evaluation Expert 01
4. Artificial Intelligence Associated



Latest Vacancies in USF Pakistan

Remuneration and Duration of Job


Universal Service Fund offers excellent compensation packages and fringe benefits to its employees. It offers a 03-year contract extension table by mutual consent up to the age of Superannuation like 60 years as per the company’s policy. The successfully selected candidates Can show their best performance and have the chance to serve the USF for a long time.


Procedure to Apply


For the complete procedure of applications, the submission candidate must visit the website www.njp.gov.pk and check the instructions regarding the necessary information and documents attached to the Application.


Important Instructions for the Applicants


Interested candidates must bring their original Academics degrees at the time of appointment.


Last Date of Application Submission


Candidates must submit their application within 17 days after publication of the job of advertisement.

See also  Situations Vacant Ministry of Science and Technology Govt of Pakistan

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