Health Department Sindh Latest Job Vacancies 2023

I am sharing here the Health Department Sindh Latest Vacancies 2023. The Government of Sindh Health Department is providing bright career opportunities. Sindh Human Capital Investment Designated Health and Population Program needs professional candidates. The department is hiring qualified candidates for the three years contract period. candidates holding local domicile are eligible to apply.


Got Jobs – Health Department Sindh Latest Job Vacancies 2023


Sr.No Vacancies         Basic Pay Scale
1. Program Director PPS-11
2. Technical Advisor on Public Health PPS-10
3. Social Guard and Gender Specialist PPS-09
4. Environmental Specialists PPS-09
5. Microfinancing Livelihood Specialist PPS-09
6. Procurement Assistant PPS-07
7. Microfinancing Livelihood Officer PPS-08
8. Monitoring and Evaluation PPS-08
9. Financial Management officer PPS-08
10. Environmental Officer PPS-08
11. Public Health Officer PPS-08
12. Training Coordinator PPS-08
13. Data Analyst PPS-07
14. Data Processing Assistant PPS-07

Details of Govt Jobs

Director general health services since Hyderabad is accepting applications of qualified skilled and experienced candidates for the following above post. There are 14 -posts having 01 vacancies each.


Sr.No Vacancies Total Seats Required Qualification
1. Program Director 01 Master’s degree in Public Health/Health Policy
2. Technical Advisor on Public Health 01 Master’s degree in/ Public Health/Health Policy
3. Social Guard and Gender Specialist 01 Master’s degree in Sociology/Social Sciences /Anthropology
4. Environmental Specialists 01 MA/MSc Environmental Sciences
5. Microfinancing Livelihood Specialist 01 Post Graduate Degree in Business Administration or equivalent
6. Procurement Assistant 01 M.phil in Business Economics/Procurement
7. Microfinancing Livelihood Officer 01 Post Graduate Degree in Business Administration. Or equivalent
8. Monitoring and Evaluation 01 Master’s Degree in

Social Sciences /

Public Health/



9. Financial Management officer 01 CA/ACCA/M.Phil Finance
10. Environmental Officer 01 Master’s Degree in Environmental Science
11. Public Health Officer 01 Postgraduate Degree in

Public Health /Health Policy and Management

12. Training Coordinator 01 Postgraduate Degree in Social sciences /Management Sciences
13. Data Analyst 01 MCs/MSc Computer Science /Computer Engineering
14. Data Processing Assistant 01 Graduate

Statistics/Commerce/ Accounts

Rules and Regulations


  1. Interested candidates can send their applications within 15 days after Publishing of the advertisement.
  2. Only Shortlisted candidates will receive letters for tests and interviews. But, there will be no TA/DA for any candidates.
  3. In-Service candidates may also apply through the proper channel.
  4. The department can amend no.of posts.
  5. Late applications will not be considered.


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Health Department Sindh Latest Vacancies 2023

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