Notification Revision of Rates of Orderly Allowance 2023 Federal

Government of Pakistan, Finance Division issued a Notification on 04-07-2023 in connection with the Revision of Rates of Orderly Allowance 2023 for Federal Government Employees.


Revision of Rates of Orderly Allowance 2023 Federal Govt

The government of Pakistan’s Finance department regulation wing approves to provide the revision of the rate of orderly allowance. The letter is forwarded to all the competent authorities on 4th July 2023 for implementation of the revised rates of the orderly allowance.

The president has been pleased to sanction the revision of Rates of Orderly Allowance admissible to all the officials of the federal government from BPS-20 to BPS-22. There is almost an Rs.7500 increase in the orderly allowance from existing to revised rates.


Admissibility of Orderly Allowance at Revised Rates


The Orderly Allowance is admissible to the above-mentioned basic pay scales 20 to 22 with effect from the first of July 2023.  It is for the civil employees of the federal government. These all employees are paid out of civil estimates and from the Defence estimates.


New Rates


The president approves to provide the revision of rates of orderly allowances as follows:


Sr.No Existing Rate Revised Rate
1. Rs.17,500/- Rs.25,000

There is an increase of Rs. 7500 in the Orderly Allowance as per the letter issued by the government of Pakistan’s finance wing.  The allowance is provided to all the Ministries /Departments and Divisions under the supervision of the Federal Government.



See also  Finance Department KPK Notification Conveyance Allowance during Vacation

It is a good decision of the Government as these employees were unable to manage the ardali at such low prices. Federal Government also issued today the Notification Adhoc Relief Allowance 2023 @ 30% & 35% for federal Government employees. These allowances will really support Federal Government employees. These will help the employees in this era of dearness. Other provinces, I hope, will also announce such types of reliefs for their employees.

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