Notification ARA-2023 Sindh & Revision Rates of Various Allowances

Government of the Sindh, Finance Department issued a Notification on 06-07-2023 in connection with the grant of Sindh Government Adhoc Relief Allowance 2023 and Other Allowance Increase. The details are as under:

Sindh Government Adhoc Relief Allowance 2023 and Other Allowance Increase


The Sindh Government granted/enhanced/increased the following allowances with effect from 1st July 2023:


  • Adhoc Relief Allowance BPS-01 to BPS-16 @ 35% of Running Basic Pay of 2022 Pay Scales
  • Adhoc Relief Allowance BPS-17 to BPS-22 @ 30% of Running Basic Pay of 2022 Pay Scales
  • Increase in Special Conveyance Allowance 2023
  • Deputation Allowance
  • Special Allowance on Additional Charge of Non-Identical Posts
  • Special Allowance on Additional Charge of Identical Posts
  • Special Pay on Current Charge


It is to mention here that Finance Division Pakistan has already issued the Notification of Adhoc Relief Allowance 2023 Federal on 04-07-2023 as well as Pension Increase Notification 2023.



Grant of Adhoc Relief Allowance 2023 to All Civil Servants of the Sindh Government


The government of Sindh Finance Department approves granting the Adhoc Relief Allowance 2023 to all civil servants Working under the supervision of the Sindh government in government departments.

Sindh Government of Pakistan is granting a 35% Adhoc Relief Allowance to all the civil servants working in government departments from BPS-01 to BPS-16 and 30% to employees of BPS-17 to above.


Eligibility Criteria to Receive 32% to 35% an Adhoc Relief Allowance


According to the notification, all civil servants working in Government departments are eligible to receive these Adhoc Relief Allowance 2023 according to their basic pay scale. It includes all the regular and contract employees also. All contract and regular employees appointed against civil posts and basic pay scales on standard terms and conditions of contract appointment are eligible to get this allowance.

See also  Notification Revised Pay Scale 2017 by Federal Government


Approval of Revised rates of allowances


The government of Sindh with the approval of the finance department revise the rates of allowances.

After the presentation of the budget 2023 government of Sindh’s finance department announces 30% to 35% to all the civil servants working in public departments in the province. All the regular and contract employees will receive this allowance on a monthly basis from 1st  July 2003. The amount of allowance is 35% for BPS-01 to BPS-16 basic pay scale and 30% for BOS-17 to above.


General Terms and Conditions/ Admissibility of Adhoc Relief Allowance 2023


In order to provide this, Adhoc Relief Allowance 2023 as an additional value in their current allowance will be provided according to the following terms and conditions:


  1. The amount of Adhoc Relief Allowance will be subject to income tax.
  2. Allowance is admissible during leave and the entire period of end LPR.
  3. All of the extraordinary leaves are not included.
  4. The allowance will not be treated as a part of emoluments for the purpose of calculation of pension and gratuity and recovery of house allowance.
  5. The government of Sindh agrees to grant 30% to 35% of the Adhoc relief allowance 2023 to all civil servants or employees on their repatriation from posting deputation abroad. They will receive it at the rate of the amount which would have been admissible to them had they not been posted abroad.
  6. The term Basic Pay for the Adhoc Relief Allowance 2023 will be including the amount of the personal pay. This amount of personal pay is granted on account of annual increments beyond the maximum of existing pay scales.
See also  Approved Summary Utility Allowance Sindh Govt Employees


Deputation Additional Charge Allows Special Pay on Current Charge


The government of Sindh with the approval of finance departments  Revised the rates of Deputation Additional Charge Allowance ay on the current charge shall be revised. The revised rates of the mentioned allowances will be charged with effect from 1st July 2023 as follow:

  1. The Existing rate of Deputation Allowance is 20% of basic pay subject to a maximum of Rs. 12,000. It is increased by 20% of the basic pay subject to maximum Ts. 20,000. The revised rate is increased by Rs. 8000.
  2. By revision of rates, the existing dates of Special Allowance on Additional Charge Of Identical Post is also increased by 10% as Rs. 8000 from. Rs.12,000 to Rs.20,000/-
  3. The existing rates of special pay on current charges are also increased. Rs.12,000 to Rs.20,000 by the difference of Rs.8,000/-.


Schedule of revised rates of Allowance Type of Allowance Existing Rate Revised Rates
1. Deputation Allowance 20% of Basic Pay Subject To Maximum Rs. 12,000 20% of Basic Pay is Subject to Maximum Rs. 20,000
2. Special allowance on additional charge of identical posts  20% of the Basic Pay Subject to Maximum Rs. 12,000  20% of the basic pay subject to Maximum Rs. 20,000
3.  Special Allowance on a Charge of non-Identical Posts  10% of the basic paycheck to maximum rupees 12,000  10% of the basic page subject to Maximum Rs.20,000 l
4. Special Pay on Current Charge  20% of the basic pay is subject to a maximum Rs. 12,000  20% of the Basic Base Subject to a Maximum Rs. 20,000
See also  Chart of Increase in Salaries after Annual Increment 2013 for Federal & Provincial Employees


Special Conveyance Allowance for Disabled Employees


The government of Sindh also approves the revised rates of Special Convenience Allowance admissible to disabled employees of the Sindh Government.

All the disabled employees working in government departments whether they are regular or contract employees will all receive that revised rate of Conveyance allowance from the first of July 2023.

The rate of the special Conveyance allowance is revised from the existing Rs. 2000 per month to Rs. 4000 per month in addition to the normal conveyance allowance. All the other terms and conditions will remain the same as contained in this department’s office memorandum dated 1st September 2016.


Provision of Revised Rates of Allowances According to the Budget Allocation


The above-mentioned allowances shall be accommodated from within the budgetary allocation of the financial year 2023-2024 by the respective departments. No supplementary grants would be given on this account


Sindh Government Adhoc Relief Allowance 2023 and Other Allowance Increase


Notification ARA-2023 Sindh & Revision Rates of Various Allowances


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