Sindh Govt Notification Increase in Pension 2023

Government of Sindh, Finance Department issued a Notification on 06-07-2023 in connection with the Increase in Pension 2023 Sindh Pensioners. The details are as under:


Increase in Pension 2023 Sindh Pensioners


The Sindh Government granted an increase in pension @ 17.5% of their current pension excluding medical allowance. These new rates of increase in pension are effective from 1st July 2023. All the employees who will retire after 1st July 2023 will also get the benefit of this Notification.


Before this Finance Department Sindh has issued the Notification of Adhoc Relief Allowance 2023 Sindh and other allowances rates enhancement.



Grant of 17.5%  Increase Pension of the Civil Pensioners of the Government of Sindh


The government of Sindh with the approval of the finance department agrees to grant the increase in pension. This pension is for the civil pensioners of the government of Sindh.  All employees served the public departments in the whole province. Govt announced the increase in pension in budget -2023. According to the Notification, et the enhanced pension wef the 1st of July 2023.


Sanctioning Increase at 17.5% of Net Pension to the Civil Pensioners


The government of Sindh approves sanctioning an increase of 17.5% of the net pension. All the civil pensioners who have served the Government Departments in the province of Sindh will receive this addition in a monthly payment of pension.


Admissibility of a 17.5% increase in pension


According to the letter following are the beneficiaries of the increase in pension @17.5%:

See also  Full Judgment of the Supreme Court of Pakistan Regarding Restoration of Commuted Portion of Pension for Punjab Govt Pensioners


  1. Retirees and Going to Retire Civil Servants


All Civil Pensioners of the Sindh Government will get the benefit. According to the letter the increase in pension @ 17.5 % as mentioned in Para 01 is also for the pensioners who would retire on after the first of July 2023.


  1. Admissibility on Family Pension


The increase in pension is also admissible on the family pension granted under the pension gratuity scheme 1954.


  1. Gross Pension shared with any Other Government


If the gross pension is shared with any government in accordance with the rules laid down in Part-IV of Appendix -III to the accounts code volume-01.  Then the amount of increase in the pension will be apportioned between the federal government and the other government concerned on a proportionate basis.


  1. Special Additional Pension



The increase in pension sanctioned in this O.M. will not be admissible on Special Additional Pension allowed in lieu of Pre-Orderly Allowance.


  1. Civil Pensioners Residing Abroad


The benefit of an increase in pension sanction is also for those civil pensioners of the state government who are residing abroad.

The Civil Pensioners residing in India or Bangladesh who retired on or after 15-08-1947 will not receive this increase in pension.




Increase in Pension 2023 Sindh Pensioners



Special Thanks: Mr. Muhammad Bux Saleem Khaskheli

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