Latest Vacancies 2023 in Board of Revenue Punjab

There are available the Latest Vacancies 2023 in the Board of Revenue Punjab. The Government of Punjab announces new job opportunities in the Board of Revenue Punjab. It offers the best career opportunities to qualified and experienced professionals. interested candidates can apply for the Vacant positions in the Punjab Urban Land Record System Enhancement Board of Revenue Punjab and Punjab Land Records Authority. All those candidates who want to this department can avail this opportunity. Initially, suitable candidates will be selected on a contract basis for that time-bounded project.

New Jobs in Punjab – Latest Vacancies 2023 in Board of Revenue Punjab


The project director of the Punjab Urban Land Record System Enhancement Board of Revenue Punjab announces the best employment opportunities for a suitable candidate. It is hiring 22 candidates for the project management units in the Punjab Land Record System Enhancement Board of Revenue Punjab and 02 professional candidates for the Project Implementation Unit in the Punjab Land Records Authority.


Career Opportunities in Board of Revenue New Projects Units


Professional candidates can be a part of the following project units of the Board of Revenue working under the supervision of the government of Punjab.


  1. Project Management Unit in Punjab Urban Land Record System Enhancement of Board of Revenue Punjab Lahore.
  2. Project Implementation Unit of Punjab in Land Records Authority Lahore.


World Bank provides funds for the completion of the project Punjab Urban Land Record System Enhancement.  interested candidates can be a part of the following units in order to enhance their skills and professional experience.

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Vacant positions in PMU


Sr.No Position Total Seats
1. Network Administrator 01
2. Software Developer 02
3. Land Administration Specialist 01
4. Communication Associate 02
5. Monitoring and Evaluations Associate 01
6. Community Engagement Associate 08
7. Surveyors 07

Job opportunities in Project Implementation Unit


Sr.No Position Total Seats
1. Database and Network Specialist 01
2.  Land Revenue Specialist 01
3.  Quality Assurance Specialist Information Technology 01
4.  Internal Auditor 01
 General Instructions for the Applicants


  1. Candidates can check eligibility criteria selection criteria and job description on the web portal.
  2. Candidates must apply online.
  3. The competent authority reserves the right to increase or decrease the total number of seats of any post according to the need.
  4. Public sector employees are also eligible to apply with the permission of their respective departments.
  5. All incomplete applications will be rejected.
  6. candidates must apply within the due date as late applications are not acceptable for any post.


Last Date for Online Apply


Candidates can apply online till 23rd July 2023.


For more jobs: The Virtual University Jobs 2023



Latest Vacancies 2023 in Board of Revenue Punjab

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