New Cataloguer Vacancies 2023 in Sindh

There are available the New Cataloguer Vacancies 2023 in Sindh.  These jobs Cataloguers are in Hyderabad and Karachi. The details are as under:


New Cataloguer Vacancies 2023 in Sindh Hyderabad and Karachi


The Regional Directorate of Colleges Hyderabad Region Hyderabad is accepting applications of certified and skilled candidates for the post of cataloger. It invites applications from all candidates who have cleared the Sukkur IBA testing service Graduation test. All Applicants who possess the local domicile of the province have a great opportunity to apply.


Vacancies in Hyderabad Region


Regional Directorate of Colleges Hyderabad Region announces 6 vacancies for the Post of cataloger. For this post, all male, female, disabled, and minority candidates can apply according to the prescribed qualification. Candidates must possess a relevant diploma or certificate relevant to the post.


Sr.No Name of Post Basic Pay Scale Total seats Qualification
1. Cataloguer BPS-11 06 Diploma in Library Sciences,

Can type on a computer

Procedure to Apply


Applicants can send their applications to “Director Colleges Hyderabad Region Hyderabad City Gate Hotel in front of Central Jail Hyderabad”.


Required Information and Documents


In order to apply candidates must mention the following information and attach the mandatory documents with their application.

  1. Applicants complete name
  2. father’s name
  3. Academic qualification
  4. date of birth and permanent address
  5. domicile PRC
  6. Two recent passport signs photographs
  7. copy of CNIC
  8. Experience letters and certificates
  9. IBA Graduation Test Marks Sheet



New Cataloguer Vacancies 2023 in Sindh Hyderabad

Vacancies in Karachi Region


The regional director general of apologies is also accepting applications from Graduates having basic knowledge of typing and a diploma in a relevant field for the post of cataloger. There are a total of 20 vacant seats for the post of cataloger.

Candidates Will be recruited on the basis of general merit and other available specific seeds according to the recruitment policy of the government.


Sr.No Name of Post Basic Pay Scale Total seats Qualification
1 Cataloguer BPS-11 20 Diploma in Library Sciences,

Can type on a computer

New Cataloguer Vacancies 2023 in Sindh Karachi

Procedure to Apply


Candidates can send their applications to “The Directorate Colleges 2nd floor Karachi Region Government College for Women Shah-ra-e Liaqat near Urdu bazar Sadar Karachi”.


Terms and Conditions for Applicants


  1. Candidates can Send separate applications in order to apply for each category.
  2. Eligible candidates will be recruited according to the policy of the government.
  3. Women disabled and minority community candidates are encouraged to apply it on the basis of a specific quota.
  4. The competent authority can increase or decrease the total number of seats according to the need of the department.
  5. Only shortlisted candidates will receive interview calls or letters. They will not receive any traveling allowance to appear in the interview.
  6. Interested candidates can make a complete file of their application form along with verified documents and send it to the given address.


For the domicile holders of Sindh, there are available Works and Service Department Govt of Sindh Jobs 2023. They can apply if they have the required criteria.

See also  The Latest Govt Jobs 2022 in Local Government Department KP

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