Chief Executive Officer Vacancy in Ministry of Railways (REDAMCO)

There is available the Chief Executive Officer Vacancy in the Ministry of Railways (REDAMCO). The Director Establishment Ministry of Railways Islamabad is considering applications of all Pakistani nationals for the latest announced post. The department needs well experienced and responsible candidate for the post of Chief Executive Officer Railways Estate Development and Market Company. Applicants with a maximum aged 62 years having prescribed qualification experience can apply.


The PR Jobs July 2023 – Chief Executive Officer Vacancy in Ministry of Railways (REDAMCO)


Interested candidates must check the following eligibility criteria before applying


Sr.No Post Name Total Seats Qualification
1. Chief Executive Officer Railways Estate Development and Marketing Company 01 MBA/MPA/B.E/asters Degree in Economics/Social Sciences

Candidates must possess leadership qualities. Applicants are preferable who have experience in various aspects of real estate management like Financing /sales/ licensing and leasing.


Monthly Salary Packages /Job Description


The department is paying market-based negotiable competitive salaries. A candidate with basic knowledge about the professional responsibilities of the post can apply.  The department is providing the best opportunity for work experience in a subsidiary company of Pakistan Railways. For the proper job description and responsibilities, applicants must visit the website of Pakistan Railways.

General Guidelines


  1. The department is appointing candidates on a contract basis for a period of three years. This contract. Is extendable to a maximum period of two years on an annual basis after observing the satisfactory performance of the employees.
  2. candidates can apply online through the website of national job portal.
  3. The proper guidelines for the nature of the assignment are provided in the articles of association and memorandum of association.
  4. Only selected candidates will receive call letters for an interview.
  5. The department calls only shortlisted candidates who are suitable for the given posts.
  6. Candidates must upload the required documents along with the application form.
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Last Date to Apply Online


Interested candidates can send their applications for the mentioned posts within 15 days of publishing the advertisement. The ad was published on 11-07-2023.  Late and incompletely filled application forms are not acceptable.



Chief Executive Officer Vacancy in Ministry of Railways (REDAMCO)


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