Notification Grant of Increase in Pension 2023 Balochistan @ 17.5 of Net Pension

Government of Balochistan, Finance Department issued a Notification on 11-07-2023 in connection with the Grant of an Increase in Pension 2023 Balochistan @ 17.5 of net pension. The details are as under:


Grant of Increase in Pension 2023 Balochistan @ 17.5% of Net Pension


The Government of Balochistan makes approval sanctioning the increase of 17.5% of the net pension. All those pensioners who provide services to the government departments in Balochistan will receive this additional amount from 1st, July 2023.


Finance Department Notifies 17.5% Increase in Pension


After checking the current availability of the budget finance department on the orders of the government of Balochistan agrees to pay the increased 17.5% of pension. With effect from 1st, July 2023 all the pensioners of the provincial government of Balochistan will get an increase in their pension.


Admissibility of a 17.5% Increase In Pension

Finance Department Issues notification on 11th July 2023 for a provision of a 17.5% increase in the net pension of all retired government employees. According to the letter the admissibility of the increase in net pension is admissible on the following conditions and terms.


  1. The term Net Pension means the pension being drawn minus Medical Allowance. It means the medical allowance is not included.
  2. All those pensioners who are going to retire after 1st, July 2023 are also eligible to receive this increased percentage of net pension.
  3. The increase of 17.5% is also admissible to all family pensioners of the provincial government. These pensioners were working under the Balochistan Civil Servant’s pension rule in 1989. It also contains compassionate allowance under rule 1.9 of the said rules of 1989.
  4. When the provincial government provides gross pension to the pensioner and he shares it with any other government. Then accordance with the rule the amount of increase in pension is divided between the provincial government and other governments. This division is provided on a proportionate basis.
  5. This increase of 17.5% is not admissible on a special additional pension. The additional pension allow in lieu of pre-retirement orderly allowance and monetized value of driver on an orderly are also excluded.
  6. The benefit of an increase in the net pension is also admissible the pensioners who are residing abroad.
  7. The pensioners who are residing in India and Bangladesh are excluded from receiving the increase in pension. These pensioners retired on or after 15th August 1947.
  8. The payment for the increase in pensions of residents abroad is applicable according to the rate of exchange.
See also  Notification Clarification Ordinary Family Pension Federal Pensioners 2024

Special Thanks: Mr. Muhammad Zaman


Balochistan Govt Finance Department also issued on 11-07-2023 Notification Adhoc Relief Allowance 2023 Balochistan Employees.


Notification Grant of Increase in Pension 2023 Balochistan @ 17.5 of net pension


Pension balochistan 2023

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